Posts: 29
Threads: 4
Joined: Jan 2012
Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, the file is less than 128k. It appears the post processing completed. Below is a cut & paste of the end of the flash-build.log, in case it provides a clue.
I am using an older XP machine with a native serial port, no USB-to-serial adapter.
Revision number(s): 2713M
Revision number will be 2714
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mthumb -mcpu=arm7tdmi -Os -fira-region=one -Wall -Werror -g -fno-common -fno-exceptions -DREALBUILD -Dat91sam7l128 -Iatmel -DXTAL -DNO_BACKUP_INIT -DNO_RAM_COPY -IdecNumber -o realbuild/calc_xtal -nostartfiles -T -Wl,--gc-sections,-Map=realbuild/mapfile_xtal.txt \
atmel/board_cstartup.S asone.c -nostdlib -lgcc -Lwindows32_realbuild/obj -lconsts -fwhole-program -ldecNum34s -save-temps
arm-none-eabi-nm -n realbuild/calc_xtal >realbuild/symbols_xtal.txt
arm-none-eabi-nm -S realbuild/calc_xtal >>realbuild/symbols_xtal.txt
arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O binary --gap-fill 0xff realbuild/calc_xtal realbuild/calc_xtal.tmp
windows32_realbuild/post_process.exe realbuild/calc_xtal.tmp realbuild/calc_xtal.bin
Post-processing address tables
Monadic commands: 139
Dyadic commands: 42
Triadic commands: 10
Niladic commands: 194
Argument commands: 138
Multi word commands: 11
.fixed 0x00100000 0x1da48
.revision 0x0011da48 0xb8
0x0011db00 UserFlash = .
0x00001d00 UserFlashSize = (. - UserFlash)
.backupflash 0x0011f800 0x800
.cmdtab 0x000f0000 0x1d8c
.bss 0x00200000 0x188
.slcdcmem 0x00200188 0x30
.volatileram 0x002001b8 0x1d0
.persistentram 0x00300000 0x800