[OT] Casio PB-2000C info request.

Post: #2

Hi all,

Although not related with HP whatsoever, I think that some Casio enthusiasts may also be active members of this forum. Therefore it could also be a good place to ask for help/info.

I've been unable to find any of the ROM cards for the PB-2000C, so I finally built my own OM-53B (BASIC ROM). Now I'm looking for a copy of the BASIC manual in English or Spanish (the only one I've found on-line is in German).

Thanks for your attention.


PS. Finding any other ROM card and/or their manuals would also be most interesting... ;-)

Edited: 27 Mar 2012, 11:49 p.m.

Post: #3

That is an interesting device and the only one I have come across with the option of a Pascal language module.

The related AI-1000 seems to have offered a built-in Lisp language interpreter. I just downloaded the emulator for the PB-2000c and added in the files to turn it into a AI-1000 from this web site:


Now I need to figure out how to use it...


Edited: 28 Mar 2012, 3:05 a.m.

Post: #4

That is an interesting device and the only one I have come across with the option of a Pascal language module.

Yes but the Pascal language module was built by a third-party and is almost impossible to find. It was also much faster than the C interpreter.

The related AI-1000 seems to have offered a built-in Lisp language interpreter. I just downloaded the emulator for the PB-2000c and added in the files to turn it into a AI-1000 from this web site:

Yes. I have one and it is a nice little machine. Basically a PB-2000C but with Lisp instead of C.
The FX-890p is also a nice machine, with builtin C like the PB2000C but faster and can even boot MS-DOS (more or less).

Now I need to figure out how to use it...

Lot of Idiot and Silly Parenthesis...

Basically, use the PB2000C documentation but write Lisp instead. I have the whole paper documentation but it is in japanese...

Post: #5


Although, AFAIK, the PASCAL language ROM card was not from CASIO but from a third party (personal?) project.

CASIO ROM cards I'm aware of are:

- OM-51P: Prolog.

- OM-52C: C. (note that "C" is factory standard language for the "PB-2000C" so, this card is for its Japanese counterpart "AI-1000" which factory standard is LISP)

- OM-53B: BASIC.

- OM-54A: Assembly language.

- OM-32: No clue so far. I've seen a picture but has no info on the label. May be a 32K Flash ROM?

PASCAL is the only 'third party" card I've read about.

Certainly one of the most interesting vintage devices from CASIO.



(edited) Seems I was too slow typing, most of my reply already posted by Pascal... :-)

Edited: 28 Mar 2012, 3:46 a.m.

Post: #6

For those who don't know yet, I've written software to manipulate disks in the format written by the MD-100 accessory. It works with the PB-1000 and the PB-2000C. Piotr Piatek has written an emulator for the MD-100 but it will only work with the emulated calculators, not the real devices. A suitable PC interface is lacking.




Post: #7

Hi Marcus,

I for one do know about your work on this peculiar machine and the emulator for the MD-100.

I'm trying to build a USB interface for it, but my lack of C languaje knowledge leads me to seek for BASIC alternative ROM (then found the remaining ROM options)

Another toy for my spare time... :-)



Post: #8

Found in the silicium forum:

the OM-32 ROM cards are not for use with the PB-2000C or AI-1000, but the
"Sandvik Coromant TRIM 8401T" industry pocket computer, that was built in
1987 or 2 years before the PB-2000C.

The 8401T housing looks like the FX-770P series, but the hardware is almost
the same as the FX-850P or FX-603P. (HD62002 @ 1.228 MHz)

It has 8 KB RAM thats even PEEKable (Address range: 0-8191).

The Basic seems to be a light version of the FX-850P, but it's not possible
to write own programs. The machine is only able to execute Basic programs from
OM-32 ROM cards. So the OM-32 ROM contains only a tokenized Basic program, but not
the interpreter itself like the OM-53B for the PB-2000C.

There are 4 different OM-32 program versions:

OM-32(v31) "Drehen"
OM-32(v32) "Fräsen"
OM-32(v33) "Bohren"
OM-32(v34) "Wirtschaftlichkeit"

If there is no label on your OM-32 to identify it, you can use a PB-2000C in
the following way:

-Put the OM-32 card into the PB-2000C and switch it on
-Type "clear mon" in the CAL mode to call the hidden monitor
-Type "B" EXE "0" to switch to bank 0
-Type "EC10" EXE "40" EXE to map the OM-32 in bank 3
-Type "B" EXE "3" to switch to bank 3
-Type "DD" EXE and check the first value for the program version
-Type "D10" EXE for the date of the program

Post: #9

PASCAL is the only 'third party" card I've read about

WOW! Pascal & Prolog, plus Assembly and C. What a handheld. Being a avid fan of Pascal, this really got my attention.

I'd love to hear more about the Pascal option - how much of the language did it support? Did it support RECORDS?

I've been playing around with the old Byte Tiny Pascal and thinking about trying to port it to a Sharp PC-1600. It's only integer, but if I could get the Runtime transfered to the 1600, then should run rings around the built-in basic.

Now you have me thinking that I need to get a Casio PB-2000C and start the search for the rare Pascal card (probaly a very long search).


Post: #10

Hi Bill,

The first part is fairly easy, a few of them (PB-2000C) are usually available at eBay... not cheap though; but everynow and then a reasonably priced one showed up.

On the second part, finding the (extremely elusive) Pascal card, well... er, just let me wish you the best of lucks... :-)

I haven't even found a single picture of it... but the last reference I've found of an eBay sale hit the $510 mark... BTW the OM-53B BASIC got the same price, one minute later... and all this was in 2008!

All the best.


Post: #11

Hi Diego,

You're right - getting the PB-2000C is fairly reasonable - less than $200 at present for a "NIB" with Spanish manual. But you have totally discouraged me on ever getting the Pascal card, unless someone starts creating a duplicate of one.

I'd still like to know how complete was the Pascal card - Records, pointers, etc.

I guess I'm back to looking at porting the Byte Tiny Pascal to my Sharp PC-1600, if I ever want to have a handheld pascal computer. Of course, I have Turbo Pascal & C on my HP-200LX. But I enjoy playing around with the old Z-80 code on the 1600.



Post: #12

I also have a soft spot for Pascal, though I'm interested to see how it has evolved into its grandchild Oberon.


Edited: 30 Mar 2012, 5:26 a.m.

Post: #13

Hi again,

"Duplicating" these cards is also pretty straight forward, they're just a ROM chip.

But I've been unable to find the ROM images of CASL (Assembler) nor Pascal and this is more likely copyrighted.

I don't know who is the developer of the Pascal card otherwise I could try to contact him and ask for permission...

Seems that all we can do is to have to keep an eye on TAS... :-(

Back to the original aim of this thread: I'm still interested in the BASIC manual (English or Spanish). If anyone have it or knows who may have it I'll appreciate any info.

If you prefer private contact please use clonix41(at)gmail(dot)com.

Best wishes.


Post: #14

I don't know who is the developer of the Pascal card otherwise I could try to contact him and ask for permission...

"DL-PASCAL was developed by the Swedish company Data-Larsson also
responsible for the FX-9860G CASIO SDK. It was available as ROM card
or soldered-in instead of built-in C."

You can try http://datalarsson.se/ for instance.

Post: #15

Diego, do you know my BASIC Comparison Sheet? It might give you a head start. The BASIC is roughly identical to that of the PB-1000 and very close to that of the FX-850P. Both stem from the PB-700 BASIC but are vastly improved (e.g. long case sensitive variable names).

Post: #16

Hi Pascal, Marcus,

Thanks, I'll mail them and will let you know when/(if) I got a reply.

Yes I have got your detailed BASIC comparison sheet (thanks for the good job) it has been my 'Rosseta stone' to try some of my (very outdated) BASIC programming skills.

Thanks for all the replies and advices.

All the best from Caribean Sea.


Post: #17

'Rosseta stone'

I like the expression. :-)
Post: #18


The BASIC comparison sheet is very impressive. I use it when I have a model that I have no manuals for and is listed in the table. It is a life saver!!


Post: #19


I'd love to hear more about the Pascal option - how much of the language did it support?

The implementation is very close to Turbo Pascal 5.0 and it supports all elements of this nice language.


Post: #20

Hi Diego,

Do you have additional info about the ROM pack you have build ?

Is the Hex or Bin image available? schematics?

Best regards,

Post: #21

Hi Lourens,

Files .BIN are available at Piotr's page "Emulator" (see Marcus post above).

I don't have the details here (far away from home), just a picture (collage) of what it's available on line with my own card in the lower right corner (front view not the tracks, sorry)

Any how the board is just "wiring" the card connector (45 pins, 1mm pitch) to a 28F512, programmed with the .BIN file. You can use any ROM type you like provided the package is flat enough to enter into the narrow card slot and the tracks connect every pin with its corresponding signal.

The "Service manual" gives every detail and is also available in Piotr's page (Below Emulator link).

Obviously, a ROM programmer is required... :-)

Hope this helps, I can send you more details as I get back home in a few days.

Best wishes.


Edited: 28 Mar 2012, 7:23 a.m.

Post: #22

Too bad the Pascal is not available. But if I had time, I would give a go a Prolog programming to remember my youth :-)

Post: #23

Hi Diego,

Nice work !

I will try to find a matching connector, the rom and programming it
is no problem.

The next challenge will be to find the Basic manual you mentioned,
also CASL and PROLOG would be nice to have..

Keep up the good work, Thanks!

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