Hi Pascal,
I've just found a serious problem in your QtGui emulator when using it via the PC keyboard:
I pressed a key a bit longer and expected to see NULL in the display (aborting this operation as in the other emulator), but this didn't work.
Then I made some experiments and found that your emulator doesn't seem to wait for any key-release after a key-press, and so when you press a key a bit longer then the operation is repeated very quickly again and again.
1) with 0 in X press [f][B] (i.e. 'sin') and keep pressing [B] for a while. After releasing [B] you get an error message (actually the emulator tries to calculate 1/x for X=0.
2) enter 2 and then keep [D] (i.e. 'sqrt') pressed, and the emulator repeates to calculate the sqrt (very quickly) until you release the key again.
I hope you can fix this bug (maybe by waiting for a key-release before any other function is executed, or even better by implementing this NULL when a key is pressed longer), because this is a serious problem when you're used the other emulators method (NULLing out an operation).