Does anyone know if the spiral bound HP-12C manuals are authentic? I have a glue binding manual and a spiral bound manual. There are slight differences as follows which makes me believe they are both authentic:
Glue bound
- p/n 00012-90001 edition 1
- printed in the USA, July 1987
- back cover says Corvallis Division
- no manufacturing number on back cover
Spiral binding
- p/n 00012-90001 edition 1
- printed in the Canada, July 1987
- back cover says Portable Computer Division
- manufacturing number 00012-90023
Looking thru both books I see some font differences here and there. To me the spiral bound manual does not look like a repro of the glue bound book. The pages in my spiral binding manual also have a very slight yellowing. Looks like the real thing to me.
Anyone else come across this before?