HP 33E Questions

Post: #5


I have an HP33E I have been using since I bought it new in college (1979).

Anyway, the battery pack wore out a few years ago, and I have been using 2 AA cells, with a piece of metal jammed in the back to complete the circuit.

Will I hurt it if I continue to use this power source?



Post: #6

No. Unlike the classics and woodstocks, you wont have any problems doing this on a 33. Why not use ni-cads and save some money? :)

Post: #7

Probably because I had a pair of AA alkalines in hand when I thought of putting them in the calculator. Also I have an almost inexhaustable supply of them, because we buy a lot of TV monitors at work, and never use the remote controls. Most come with a pair of AA cells.

Do you suppose the native charger will work on NiCads he asks realizing it is a really stupid question.


If I ever get a set of NiCads, I will do it.



Post: #8

As you conclude - the charger will work with nicads you insert yourself. On the other hand - if you plug the charger in with dry cells in the machine the results *could* be interesting.

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