Seeking DIY5 update and webpage


Would someone please tell me what the current status of the DIY5 project is? Further, it would be nice if a webpage for it was created.


There isn't a DIY5 yet, though Rich has done some work on the schematic and on packaging concepts. The last updates on the DIY4X and DIY5 were posted here in December and January. The reason there aren't more frequent updates is that there isn't significant progress to report. Trust me, I definitely enjoy showing off cool stuff when we have it.

Since then I've been working on a rewrite of the keyboard scanning and debounce, which didn't work as well as I'd hoped. It was being done on a 100 Hz timer interrupt, along with timekeeping. Now I'm taking advantage of the GPIO edge interrupts and a separate timer.

Back in October I ordered 10 pieces of the new microcontroller with more memory, and tracking shows that the package was finally delivered yesterday, though I'm out of town so I won't get it until Monday. I need to find a rework technician that can replace a QFP100, to try it on one of the DIY4X boards.

I'm not much of a web developer, and don't want to spend any time or effort on developing a web page until we get closer to being able to offer a product.

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