HP Printer paper... any worries?

Post: #5

Picked up some 82175A Black Print Thermal Calculator Paper and noticed some pictures on the box. Looks like this paper is not recommended for HP-91, 92, and 97. I have a 82143a (or two, and on the lookout for a 82162a, if you have one handy) and will use this for the 143a for now.

Does anyone know why this paper should not be used on the older units? I have a 97 (or two) that I'd like to use it with as well. Any insight would be most appreciated! Especially after what I went through to get the 97 printing again! BTW, thank you wanavet (eBay name, and I saw his gear mentioned here first) for the gear for the 97! I think it was Katie Wasserman's post on making the best of the gear parts available (very nice and self-explanitory post!!), and even got the parts, other than the gear itself, then saw that wanavet had the actual gear made... anyway...

Edited: 1 Feb 2012, 9:44 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #6

Interesting. I have HP 91, 92, 97 and 82143A, and use the same printer paper in all of them interchangeably without any problems. According to the manual for my HP 91, the part number for a box of six rolls of printer paper is 9270-0513, so maybe there is a difference. Then, the HP 97 and 92 manuals show the part number as 82045A, which definitely suggests a difference.

Edited: 31 Jan 2012, 12:03 a.m.

Post: #7

I may have this wrong, but I seem to recall someone saying that there's a difference between the blue versus black thermal papers and the effect on some of the HP calcuators print heads. But I can't find the message thread where this was discussed.

Okay found a couple of discussions:

Paper Too Rough

Different Chemestry

Take your pick - either paper is too rough or the different chemestry in the paper can harm the print head.


Edited: 31 Jan 2012, 1:58 p.m.

Post: #8

Hi. This has come up before numerous times. Never sure, in my mind, there was a diffinitive answer.

The HP Journal that announced the printers for the HP-41C series indicated not to use 82175A paper in the 91, 92, and 97 as it would damage the print heads via premature wear. From the 41C Journal articles and others on the 97, etc., the resistors for the 41C era print devices and the 9x units operate at different temperature. If you touch and run your fingernail across the 82175A and 82045A they do feel different.

Various HP product brochures (via the DVDs on this site) have specifically stated 82045A can be used in the 9x calcs and 41C type printers, but the 82175A is for the 41C (and later) printers. However, I was not able to locate those again before this post. Which puzzles me, as I know I've seen them.

One of the posts subsequent to yours suggests there is a 82175B paper. There may very well be, but I've never located it (which doesn't necessarily mean a lot).

PM Corp has paper they claim is OEM equivalent (but the paper is thinner) to 82045A, PMC-05233. Seems in previous articles people have used NCR and various other common papers w/o problems, but I was unable to decipher whether they know the paper is OK or just haven't had problems yet.

What I have found on my own is in the link below:

Post: #9

The paper I've been using came in a box marked 9270-0513, suggesting that it is the same as 82045A. Perhaps this is why I've had no problems using it in my HP 82143A printer that I use with my HP 41CV.

Post: #10

I agree. The HP-82162A owner's manual indicates it can use 82045A or 82175A paper. I can't locate references at the moment for some reason, but completely sure the same applies for the 82143A printer.

I'm quite sure 9270-0513 and 82045A is exactly the same paper. I've seen the reference numerous times before. I don't know if it was a part-number change or what.

For example, the HP-91 Owner's manual refers to 9270-0513. There are manuals/brochures which clearly indicate 82045 is the correct paper for the 91/92/97. So 9270-0513 & 82045A, if not the very same paper, is certainly compatible.

I have various HP units & manuals. Certainly for products from the 9810A calculator & onward the 9xxx-xxxx format has been used for paper. Often for the rolls of paper supplied with the unit (typically 2 although that P/N format has 6 roll boxes).

I've often wondred if the 9270-xxxx version is the part number for paper supplied with the unit and 82xxxA is for after-market paper sales. Maybe an HP'er knows.

Tried looking on the DVD's and can't find what I want. My older copies of CD's are in another town. Think with more recent DVD releases some older manuals/brochures may have been replaced with newer editions. i.e. references to older part numbers disappeared. For whatever reason, I'm having a serious frustrations locating what I want. Who knows, somedays the mind goes you know!!!

damn, I'm gabby. Paper discussions seems to torque me up. Not a good sign!

Post: #11

Thank you all for the wealth of info! I did not mean to rehash an old issue, but at least it was 10-12 years ago, from some of the links provided! I will go look for some appropriate paper for my 97 to keep the old (but ever so pretty) gal in tip-top.

Again, many thanks!!

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