New release of go41cx

Post: #8

Release 1.1.0

This one correct a timer bug (now, 'shift' ON works nicelly) and add a new config panel. You can manage :

  • States of emulator: save as, load, export/import, ...
  • Modules: plug, import/export, infos, ...
  • Raws: load, import/export, infos, ...
  • Programs: save from main memory to a raw file
  • Overlays: load, import/export, ...
  • XMem: load, save, import/export, ...
  • Regs: display data regs, buffers, program, system, xmem, ...

Overlays are just text files, 70 lines max, 2 lines per key, first for top label, second for shifted label. "null" means no change.

Import/export permit to load/save from the internal files of the application and 'Download' directory of your sd-card, so you can download or mail files.


Edited: 30 Jan 2012, 8:22 a.m.

Post: #9

Hi Olivier,

Nice piece of work !! thanks and congrats ! :)
If you can do the following, I will ditch my Iphone and go for Android as a unique mobile phone, as i41cx+ (which is still better than your program so far, but you are catching up !) is the only reason why I keep the iphone:

-Printer emulation
-qwerty keyboard for alpha mode
-HEPAX support

How high as those on your to-do list ? ;)

Did you get a chance to look at the HP-65 emulator I indicated to you in a previous post to get inspiration from it to do an HP-65 emulator ? :)

Thanks again for all what you brought, and cheers,


Post: #10

One more thing:

I noticed that the lowercase characters are not displayed correctly: take the Sandbox ROM for instance, which is supposed to display "Welcome" on startup, only a few letters are visible. I had the same problem with P41CX on Palmos, but not on i41CX+ on Iphone. It makes me think that the emulation is fullnut rather than halfnut display. Could this be corrected ?

Thanks and cheers,


Post: #11

I have a 70 line file named math.ovl in the SD download directory that I managed to import and load. How do I now make the overlay visible on the app's keyboard?
I downloaded finance.ovl from your site and tried USER mode but can't see anything...


Now it works...but I can't say why and what I did differently...

Very nice! :-)

EDIT 2 … and now I can't get rid of it no matter what I do: delete, reset, on-backspace…

EDIT 3 Finally found out how to use EMPTY ;-)

Edited: 30 Jan 2012, 1:49 p.m.

Post: #12

Is there a way to display unicode characters like integral or greek theta on the overlay? When I save them in the text file where I can display them, I only end up with garbage on the go41cx user mode.

Post: #13

Did you use UTF-8 encoding ? (android unicode default encoding)

Post: #14


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