Hi all,
A new .ZIP archive including several updates is now available at Clonix home page.
Update record:
- NoVRAM & NoV-32 modules are now fully compatible with 41CL and both include the Crash Recovery Function (CRF) inherited from NoV-64. See NoV-64 manual for details on this function.
- Minor changes to NoV-64 manual.
- RAM erasing utilities for NoV's (CLR_RAMn) have been upgraded in order to prevent erratic behavior due to low battery. Now they run faster and more reliabily even with low battery voltages including USB power cable (5v.) as described in this post.
Thanks to Ángel for his patience and helpful test and comments while investigating for this upgrade.
- Patched HEPAX image (fourth bank) to prevent it from switching OFF the HP-41CL when executing DISASM command. This patch is automatically included in NoVRAM, NoV-32 and NoV-64 when configured with ClonixConfig.exe utility, and does not affect DISASM command execution on standard 41's (C/CV/CX)
Thanks to Monte for the patch.
All the best from Dominican Republic.
Edited: 24 Jan 2012, 11:58 p.m.