Any suggestions for reviving an HP-41CV ?


I'm trying to revive an HP-41CV but all I can get is a MEMORY LOST message, that sometimes changes in to a long series of that symbols that is a mix of a hang man and a @ sign. These @ sign will pulse, may be once per second.

I know it is alive. The only thing is that it's not answering to my calls.

I've been checkig internal contacts, tried to reset it doing all known tricks (at least those mentioned in the archives), including connecting and diconnecting the batteries and discharging the capacitor by puting the batteries contacts in short. Then I disassembled again the machine and visually checked for cold solderings and orher bad contacts. Now I need some more suggestions from you.

Thank you.


See the post above about bad LCD displays in the HP41. The same thing about cleaning the circuit boards applies here. Often times what ever is the source of the problem is not visible to the naked eye.

Unfortunately your problem can also be caused by a bad ROM or CPU chip.

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