WP34S: Valentin Albillo's Polynomial Root Finder

Post: #30


Here is a version for the WP 34s of Albillo's original program for the HP 41. I would like to thank Ángel Martin for helping me with lot of information, documentation and his own version for the 41z. Porting the program was very straightforward. The only real difference I found between commands was with the SIGN function that behaves like it does in the 3Xs family rather than it does in the 41 and 42 calculators, so I have to replace it in my code.

The program has been tested with version 2.2 rev. 1782. Just copy it in a file and assemble it to try in the emulator and the calculator

Testing the examples from the article on the calculator, I obtained the same results, with the following time:

Example 1) 5 seconds – original on HP 41: 8 minutes :

(2+8i)z^6 + (3+0i)z^5 + (-1+2i)z^4 + (0+2i)z^3 + (-3-3i)z^2 + (1+2i)z + (-2+3i) =0

Example 2) 3,5 seconds – original on HP 41: 5 minutes :

5x^6 – 4x^5 – 3x^4 + 8x^3 + 8x^2 – 2x + 7 = 0

Note: You can delete the STOP in line 34. It is there just for testing.



001 LBL'PRT'
002 SSIZE4
003 FIX 00
004 CL[alpha]
005 [alpha]'N?'
007 STO 00
008 STO 03
009 STO+ X
010 9
011 .
012 0
013 0
014 8
015 0
016 2
017 +
018 STO 01
019 STO 05
020 CLx

021 LBL 05
022 CL[alpha]
023 [alpha]'IM'
024 [alpha] [^]
025 [alpha]'RE[space]'
026 [alpha]IP 03
027 [alpha] ?
029 [cmplx]STO[->]05
030 DEC 03
031 DSE 05
032 GTO 05
033 RCL 03
034 STOP

035 LBL 06
036 CF A
037 +/-
038 STO 04
039 FIX 02
041 FIX 06
042 x[!=]0?
043 GTO 01
044 EEX
045 STO 04

046 LBL 01
047 RCL 00
048 STO 08
049 SF 01
050 XEQ 11
051 [->]POL
052 1/x
053 STO 07
054 x[<->] Y
055 +/-
056 STO 08
057 CF 01
058 XEQ 11
059 [cmplx]ENTER
060 [cmplx]RCL 07
061 [->]REC
062 [cmplx][times]
063 [cmplx]STO- 03
064 [cmplx]ROUND
065 [cmplx]x[!=]0?
066 GTO 01
067 SF A
068 XEQ 11
069 2
070 STO+ 05
071 EEX
072 3
073 +/-
074 [times]
075 STO+ 01
076 RCL 04
077 RCL 03
078 [cmplx]STO[->]05
079 x[<->] Y
080 DSE 00
081 GTO 06
082 RCL 01
083 IP
084 1
085 0
086 -
087 EEX
088 3
089 /
090 STO- 05
091 FIX 07

092 LBL 10
093 INC 00
094 CL[alpha]
095 [alpha]'RT[space]'
096 [alpha]IP 00
097 [alpha]VIEW
098 PSE 15
099 CL[alpha]
100 [alpha]'RE'
101 [cmplx]RCL[->]05
103 CL[alpha]
104 [alpha]'IM'
105 x[<->] Y
107 DSE 05
108 GTO 10
109 CLx
110 CF A
111 RTN

112 LBL 11
113 RCL 01
114 STO 05
115 FC? 01
116 GTO 13
117 EEX
118 3
119 +/-
120 ENTER[^]
121 2
122 [times]
123 STO+ 05
124 LBL 13
125 [cmplx]RCL[->]05
126 FC? 01
127 GTO 02
128 RCL 08
129 STO[times] Z
130 [times]
131 DSE 08
132 GTO 02
133 RTN

134 LBL 00
135 [cmplx]ENTER
136 [cmplx]RCL 03
137 [cmplx][times]
138 RCL[->]05
139 FS? 01
140 RCL 08
141 FS? 01
142 [times]
143 +
144 FS? A
145 STO[->]05
146 x[<->] Y
147 INC 05
148 RCL[->]05
149 FS? 01
150 RCL 08
151 FS? 01
152 [times]
153 +
154 FS? A
155 STO[->]05
156 DEC 05
157 x[<->] Y
158 FS? 01
159 DSE 08

160 LBL 02
161 DSE 05
162 GTO 00
163 RTN

Edited: 17 Nov 2011, 1:06 p.m.

Post: #31

Bravo Miguel! This contributes to create a 34S library :-) The next should be the Bessel functions - Complex of course - sure the 41Z programs can also help!

Looking at the 34S code I can recognize a couple of tricks I used to adapt the program to the 41Z - nice to see the design similarities, which on the other hand are pretty logical choices.

I'm thinking about Valentin's examples in the other thread - would be good to test the port with those and see how it fares, sort of "turning the creature against the creator" :-)

the first one was:

x^20+10 x^19+55 x^18+210 x^17+615 x^16+1452 x^15+2850 x^14+
4740 x^13+6765 x^12+8350 x^11+8953 x^10+8350 x^9+6765 x^8+
4740 x^7+2850 x^6+1452 x^5+615 x^4+210 x^3+55 x^2+10 x+1 = 0

which Wolfram Alpha reports (Thanks Gerson!) having coincident roots at:

x = -1/2 - sqrt(3)/2*i            
x = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i

Not quite the same as what this program did when I tried it on V41/ w/41Z - I may have made some data entry error so I'll repeat it this week-end.


Post: #32

Looking at the 34S code I can recognize a couple of tricks I used to adapt the program to the 41Z - nice to see the design similarities, which on the other hand are pretty logical choices.

What in particular?

- Pauli

Post: #33

The way to push the complex argument into the complex stack with independence from the real one, and also checking on the complex round as opposed to on each real and imaginary parts - as it was done in the original program.

Trivialities when seen in retrospective but it was different when you also had to write the MCODE underneath all the functions to play well in that scheme.


Post: #34

The way to push the complex argument into the complex stack with independence from the real one

We don't separate the stack into a complex and real sections -- everything lives on the single stack. X + iY, Z + iT, A + iB and C + iD. The latter two being optional. I did add complex STO and RCL commands to make life easier.

- Pauli

Edited: 18 Nov 2011, 2:36 a.m.

Post: #35

I'm thinking about Valentin's examples in the other thread - would be good to test the port with those and see how it fares, sort of "turning the creature against the creator" :-)

the first one was:

x^20+10 x^19+55 x^18+210 x^17+615 x^16+1452 x^15+2850 x^14+
4740 x^13+6765 x^12+8350 x^11+8953 x^10+8350 x^9+6765 x^8+
4740 x^7+2850 x^6+1452 x^5+615 x^4+210 x^3+55 x^2+10 x+1 = 0

which Wolfram Alpha reports (Thanks Gerson!) having coincident roots at:

x = -1/2 - sqrt(3)/2*i            
x = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i

Not quite the same as what this program did when I tried it on V41/ w/41Z - I may have made some data entry error so I'll repeat it this week-end.


Hi Angel,

either you have mistyped any coefficient(s), or Miguel's translation is not correct, or Valentin's program does indeed not solve this polynomial at all!?

I've entered this polynomial now 3 or 4 times and waited about 2 minutes (on the PC emulator of WP34s), but no solution - it just didn't stop running.

So I guess I'll stay with my own new polynomial solver (with Laguerre method), which solves all those polynomials without any problems (even the 2 'hard' ones that Valentin has posted), and is in fact much faster and gives more accurate solutions. :-)


Post: #36

the first one was:

x^20+10 x^19+55 x^18+210 x^17+615 x^16+1452 x^15+2850 x^14+
4740 x^13+6765 x^12+8350 x^11+8953 x^10+8350 x^9+6765 x^8+
4740 x^7+2850 x^6+1452 x^5+615 x^4+210 x^3+55 x^2+10 x+1 = 0

which Wolfram Alpha reports (Thanks Gerson!) having coincident roots at:

x = -1/2 - sqrt(3)/2*i
x = -1/2 + sqrt(3)/2*i

I tried this example with the original 41 program entered in the V41 emulator and it does not converge either. I did it several times in case I made any mistake entering the data. So I think that my translation is as faithful as it can be but one never knows...

With both versions in FIX 6, results are really similar; and putting simply FIX 11 in line 041 or the wp34s version, accuracy is very much improved for many other cases I tested, but this one in particular, seems to be really tough :-).

As disclaimed by Valentin in his article : "convergence is not guaranteed".

What I am going to do:

1.- let the program as simple and near the original as possible,

2.- include some of the improvements suggested by Dieter,

3.- add an iteration limit so the program may stop with a “no zero found” message,

4.- put it in the Article section, so there is at least a solver available until some improved version is made by one of the many knowledgeable peoples of this community (someone please give a WP 34S to Valentin! I am sure he will enjoy).

Thanks and regards,


Edited: 22 Nov 2011, 10:35 a.m.

Post: #37

I'd like to see Valentin's original program. I searched through PPC Journals in vain for it.
BTW since his 20-degree polynomial is simply

 (x^2 + x + 1)^10 
it's no wonder all polynomial solvers choke on it - well at least those that do not check for multiple roots up front (which can only really be done when you have exact coefficients, as is the case here). For a root with multiplicity n, (n-1)/n of the digits of the result will be inaccurate.

Cheers, Werner

Post: #38

Hi Werner, the reference is:

PPC TECHNICAL NOTES (the Australian Chapter if I´m not mistaken)

V1 N3 October 1980

Hope this helps, I can mail it to you if you still can't locate it - let me know.


Post: #39

Can't locate it.. it's not on TOS, and not on the Museum's DVD..


Post: #40

Thanks for the file, Angel.

I am, however, slightly disappointed as it is a simple Newton-Rhapson scheme, not an implementation of the Laguerre method, which I had expected.

Cheers, Werner

Post: #41

Looking at the code, I would like to add a few comments:

  • I would prefer the input routine to prompt for the coefficients with a zero in X. This way real coefficents can be entered much easier, without the need of typing [0] [ENTER] first.
  • Is there a reason why line 117-122ff do not simply contain a straightforward constant ". 0 0 2" or "2 EEX +/- 3" ?-)

    Also, line 071ff. muliplies by 1E-3. Why not simply divide by 1E3 ?
  • Unlike the 41-series, the 34s can do RCL-Arithmetics. So step 150 - 154 can be replaced by a simple FS?01  RCLx 08.
  • Is the complex ENTER in line 059 and 135 really required?
  • The program switches between four different display formats (FIX 00, 02, 06 and 07). Why is this neccessary? I see some ROUND statements here and there. What exactly do they do? The ROUND in step 064 has no preceding display setting so it's unclear how many digits are rounded. BTW, there also is a "X~~0" test that does not require rounding at all.

    I assume the algorithm iterates as long as a certain precision is not yet achieved, and the test in step 064 checks this. In FIX 06 mode this means the absolute error is less than 5E-7. This is fine for small and moderate values, but then think of a root near 1E-6. Or another one near 1E9. So there might be a better way: a root is found if the latest and the previous value agree in 12 significant digits. Which should be fine since the 34s works with 16 digits.
  • The EEX in step 044 probably is a leftover from an earlier 41-implemenation where it was a few milliseconds faster than a usual "1" (one). I don't think this is required on the 34s. ;-)
You see there is some nitpicking in these comments. Please consider this a compliment since there obviously are no major bugs. ;-)


Post: #42

Hi Dieter,

Excellent and pertinent remarks! There is a lot of heritage from the original code that is not required with the WP 34s. In this version I just made the more obvious changes and improvements, thanks to the excellent complex instruction set of the 34S, just to test how easily was to port code from the 41.

I will modify the program based on your comments.

Thanks and regards,


Post: #43

Here's a first attempt of a modified version for the 34s. I'm sure there's room for improvements, maybe there are even some errors. The algorithm is the same, basically the following details have been changed:

  • The various rounding steps have been removed. Instead, a tolerance is stored in register A, here with a value of 1E-6. From this, three individual "deltas" are derived: The original test if abs(R04) < 0,005 was replaced by R04^2 < 1E-6. In the output routine, roots with imaginary parts less than 1E-12 are neglected, i.e. the root is considered real. And finally there is a more sophisticated convergence check: First, the real parts are compared. If they agree in all displayed digits (i.e. all 12, since we're in ALL mode), the imaginary parts are compared as well. If they do not agree the program finally tests whether both imaginary parts are smaller than approx. 1E-12. In this case the root is virtually real and no further iteration is required.
  • The input routine now prompts for the coefficients with a cleared stack. So real values can be entered without pressing any additional keys.
  • The output routine has been rewritten. Every root is now labelled as "Real" or "Compl". In the latter case the result is x+iy and both parts can be viewed with x<>y, as usual.
  • Finally, various minor improvements have been applied.
001 LBL'PRT'
002 SSIZE4
004 CF 01
005 CF A
006 CL[alpha]
007 [alpha]'N=?'
009 x>0?
010 FP?
011 BACK 03
012 STO 00
013 STO 03
014 STO+ X
015 9
016 .
017 0
018 0
019 8
020 0
021 2
022 +
023 STO 01
024 STO 05
025 LBL 05
026 CL[alpha]
027 [alpha]'Im'
028 [alpha] [^]
029 [alpha]'Re[space]'
030 [alpha]IP 03
031 [alpha] ?
034 [cmplx]STO[->]05
035 DEC 03
036 DSE 05
037 GTO 05
038 EEX
039 +/-
040 6
041 STO A // tolerance = 1E-6
042 ALL 03
043 RCL 03
044 LBL 06
045 CF A
046 +/-
047 STO 04
048 x[^2]
049 x[>=]? A // i.e. |R04| >= 1E-3?
050 GTO 01
051 1
052 STO 04
053 LBL 01
054 RCL 00
055 STO 08
056 SF 01
057 XEQ 11
058 [->]POL
059 1/x
060 STO 07
061 x[<->] Y
062 +/-
063 STO 08
064 CF 01
065 XEQ 11
066 [cmplx]RCL 07
067 [->]REC
068 [cmplx][times]
069 [cmplx]+/-
070 [cmplx]RCL+ 03
071 [cmplx]ENTER
072 [cmplx]x[<->] 03
073 x[approx]? Z
074 SKIP 01
075 GTO 01
076 x[<->] T
077 x[approx]? Y
078 GTO 04
079 [cmplx]ABS
080 [sqrt]
081 x>? A // both imaginary parts < 1E-12?
082 GTO 01
083 LBL 04
084 SF A
085 XEQ 11
086 2
087 STO+ 05
088 EEX
089 3
090 /
091 STO+ 01
092 RCL 04
093 RCL 03
094 [cmplx]STO[->]05
095 x[<->] Y
096 DSE 00
097 GTO 06
098 LBL'RES'
099 SF A
100 RCL 01
101 FP
102 9
103 +
104 STO 05
105 CLx
106 STO 00
107 LBL 10
108 INC 00
109 CL[alpha]
110 [alpha]'Rea'
111 [alpha]'l[space]'
112 [cmplx]RCL[->]05
113 x[<->] Y
114 ABS
115 x<? A
116 SKIP 03
117 CL[alpha]
118 [alpha]'Com'
119 [alpha]'pl[space]'
120 [alpha]IP 00
121 [cmplx]RCL[->]05
123 ISG 05
124 GTO 10
126 CF A
127 RTN
128 LBL 11
129 .
130 0
131 0
132 2
133 RCL 01
134 FS? 01
135 +
136 STO 05
137 [cmplx]RCL[->]05
138 FC? 01
139 GTO 02
140 RCL 08
141 STO[times] Z
142 [times]
143 DSE 08
144 GTO 02
145 RTN
146 LBL 00
147 [cmplx]RCL[times] 03
148 RCL[->]05
149 FS? 01
150 RCL[times] 08
151 +
152 FS? A
153 STO[->]05
154 x[<->] Y
155 INC 05
156 RCL[->]05
157 FS? 01
158 RCL[times] 08
159 +
160 FS? A
161 STO[->]05
162 DEC 05
163 x[<->] Y
164 FS? 01
165 DSE 08
166 LBL 02
167 DSE 05
168 GTO 00
169 RTN
Here's an example: x^4 - 4 x^3 - 3 x^2 + x + 1
4 [R/S] Im^Re 4?
1 [R/S] Im^Re 3?
-4 [R/S] Im^Re 2?
-3 [R/S] Im^Re 1?
1 [R/S] Im^Re 0?
1 [R/S]
Compl 1 =
[x<>y] 0,22687379984
Compl 2 =
[x<>y] -0,22687379984
Real 3 =
Real 4 =
Once calculated, the results can be recalled by XEQ"RES".

By the way: Walter, I miss a directly accessible "=" on the alpha keyboard. As far as I can see, common prompts like the "N=?" in line 007 cannot be entered from the keyboard. However, there are several unassigned keys on the alpha keyboard: Just as h [4] enters a question mark, h [5] could be used for the missing "=".


Post: #44

Dieter, thanks for pointing this out. I'd put '=' on h-shifted ENTER in alpha mode - the location CONST lives.

Post: #45

'=' is in the test catalog of course. In multi alpha mode I've put it on the same key (no catalogs available then) in the most recent build. h ENTER^ produces an up arrow.

Post: #46

As often before, this is not finally discussed nor agreed on yet. Some procedures seem quite difficult to teach ;-)

And a catalogue access is not a direct access 8-)

Edit: Meanwhile, we agreed on putting '=' on h-shifted R/S in alpha mode, the key it lives nearly everywhere ;-)

Edited: 19 Nov 2011, 5:15 p.m.

Post: #47

Here's a first attempt of a modified version for the 34s. I'm sure there's room for improvements, maybe there are even some errors.
Hi Dieter,

it seems you have indeed changed it a bit too much - your version doesn't even solve the simple polynomial x^10+1=0.

No error messages, no wrong solution(s), just runs forever ...


Post: #48

Yes, the more sophisticated convergence test was a bit too ...sophisticated. ;-) It does not work if a root is very close to zero and decides that two consecutive approximations do not agree even if their real parts are 1E-24 and 1E-25. In your example the problem arises at the fifth and sixth root (i and -i). Their real part is exactly zero while the program actually has determined a value near 1E-16.

Here's an improved version. It checks whether the real and complex parts either agree in all displayed digits or if they both are virtually zero.

... ...
058 [->]POL
059 1/x
060 [cmplx]CONJ // shorter than
061 [cmplx]STO 07 // previous code
062 STO 07
063 CF 01
064 XEQ 11
065 [cmplx]RCL 07
066 [->]REC
067 [cmplx][times]
068 [cmplx]+/-
069 [cmplx]RCL+ 03
070 [cmplx]ENTER
071 [cmplx]x[<->] 03
072 x[<->] Y
073 R[v] // x=re_old y=re_new z=im_new z=im_old
074 x[approx]? Y // do both real parts agree?
075 SKIP 04 // then continue checking
076 [cmplx]ABS // both real parts do not agree
077 [sqrt] // so check whether they are both near zero
078 x>? A // are both real parts < 1E-12?
079 GTO 01 // if not, do next iteration
080 R[v] // real parts agree or both are near zero
081 R[v] // now check imaginary parts
082 x[approx]? Y // do both imaginary parts agree as well?
083 SKIP 04 // then we're done
084 [cmplx]ABS // at this point both real parts agree
085 [sqrt] // but the imaginary parts don't
086 x>? A // now check if they are at least < 1E-12
087 GTO 01 // if not, do another iteration
088 SF A // otherwise we're done, continue here
089 XEQ 11
... ...


Edited: 20 Nov 2011, 9:12 a.m.

Post: #49

Yes, the more sophisticated convergence test was a bit too ...sophisticated. ;-)

Have you tried Valentin's 20-degree polynomial which Angel has re-posted above?

Let's see if your new version is now sophisticated enough for this one ... ;-)

Or you could even try the 30-degree polynomial Valentin has posted as test for my first (Bairstow) solver. It has the only solution x=-1 (but with multiplicity 30), and my new Laguerre solver gives the exact solution 30-times! :-)


Post: #50

My questions exactly :-)

Post: #51

My questions exactly :-)

Well, I've tried at least the 20-degree poly (with Miguel's translated program),but got no solution at all. So I didn't try the 30-degree one.
Post: #52


Let's see if your new version is now sophisticated enough for this one ... ;-)

there obviously is a misunderstanding here. This is not "my" solution of a polynomial root solver. Honestly, I do not plan on writing something like this - my knowledge on this topic is very limited. What you see is simply Miguel's original PRT version with some minor improvements (input/output, convergence test, special 34s features). The whole algorithm is exactly the same as before. So if the original version does not handle the 20-degree-polynomial, the modified version will not do so either.

So it's about time for you to show your latest Laguerre solver. ;-)


Edited: 20 Nov 2011, 2:08 p.m.

Post: #53

So it's about time for you to show your latest Laguerre solver. ;-)

No Dieter, not after these attacks a week ago!

Since this time my programs are only private.


Post: #54


Of course, it's your choice to share your knowledge with the community or not; but it's puzzling that such a decision is made upon the result of a single event or exchange with one or two persons. Many contributors, even very bright ones, received some unexpected, unfair or out-of-style feedback from time to time; I recall some cases and I'm sure there are more. And sometimes the language differences, personal styles, local/country jargon, sense of irony, and translations add up to make a supossedly friendly message look more aggressive than intended. Sometimes any of us may be on the receiving side of such messages and sometimes, even by accident, may be at the originator side. But the decision to share or not is up to each one of us.

Many people come here just to learn from others' creations and discoveries, and an implicit thank you is available for all contributors each time they post interesting and useful material.

Please see that I'm not trying to analyze, explain, or otherwise support or condemn the opinions and postings of any other member of this community.

Best regards.

(I apologize in advance if my imperfect command of the English language prevents this message to convey its friendly and positive intentions)

Post: #55

Just crossed my mind whether we need a general disclaimer all of us writing in English as a foreign language should append to our postings in this forum. This won't, however, cover the numerous spelling or even wording errors by authors with "English" as their mother tongue observed here. Anyway, since it won't take care of all cases I remember having seen here, forget it ;-)

Post: #56

what about this for a disclaimer:

"get a grip"


Post: #57

Walter, you are correct: there are so many Forum participants who write excellent English despite its not being their mother tongue that it is easy for native speakers of English to assume that everyone here can communicate with perfect clarity.

You are also correct that some cases seen here do not result from imperfect English: perfect clarity is sometimes the problem.

My suggestion: if we treat our communications here as if they were delivered face to face, we might be less likely to speak in ways that give offense. And in cases of seeming offense, we might do well to let a matter rest overnight before responding, if we respond at all.

In cases of offense, sincere and humble apology does wonders.

Finally, remembering our purpose in participating in the Forum, namely to increase the enjoyment and utility we and others get from HP calculators, might do a lot to reduce the number of cases arising.

Post: #58


You can find the program here in the article section. There is now an iteration limit in case there is no zero found.



Edited: 23 Nov 2011, 7:40 p.m.

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