Hi to everyone who expressed interest in the English language section of UPLE, still in London.
The library is _mostly_ just as photocopied sheets of paper, or the submitted originals, including copies of program listings. It might be possible to simply scan everything, a sheet at a time, to a CD-ROM. Or even to microfilm - who still uses that very useful medium? ;-) But that is not of direct use to people who want to read programs directly into an HP-41 or an emulator.
Only some of the programs were put onto barcode by UPLE. An even smaller number were put to program cards. And the HPCC Committee decided at one stage that the cards were more valuable than the programs on them, so many programs that _were_ on cards, no longer are, as the cards were given to members for re-use :-( Some programs still _are_ on cards, though.
Tony - the boxes are easier to get at now than before, if you are interested. I'll contact you directly :-)
Dave, I'll contact you directly too.
Anyone else _in_ London or interested in helping? Come in September, and come to the HPCC Conference at the same time? ;-) See http://www.hpcc.org