I have been in love with and using HP calculators since 1978, when I picked up my dad's HP25. I used and still own my original 11c from high school and college. I am now trying to collect one HP unit from each series, but as I am doing so one thing has happened that is stumping me. Seems as all the ones I used way back (dad's 25 and 32e, my own 11c, and a few others) were all USA built units. Now that I am collecting, it seems every unit I win on e-Bay or aquire from other sources are Singapore built. Is this just coincidence, or are the Singapore units more plentiful or worth less on the collector market? I have put two old mint 1977 25's I own, one USA, one Singapore, under the eye and can find absolutely NO differences. So why did HP manufacture the same thing (through many of the series, even the oldies) in the USA and Singapore to sell in the USA? Were they smart to go for the cheaper labor even back in the early to mid 70's, or did they figure making them in Singapore too would make them easier to ship to other world markets?
Any insight would be appreciated.