new HP97 model : HP97+ fully loaded HP97
896 program steps
106 registers (A to I are regs 100 to 105)
HD magnetic cards : one side is enough for either:
- whole program memory
- whole register set
Be careful not to mix your cards sets. (a tool to convert cards set will be done soon)
5 new instructions: one more indirect register E
RCL (e) keyed as 'RCL' 'e^x', printed as 'RCLe'
STO (e) keyed as 'STO' 'e^x', printed as 'STOe'
GTO (e) keyed as 'GTO' 'e^x', printed as 'GT->e'
GSB (e) keyed as 'GSB' 'e^x', printed as 'GS->e'
use the E register as a new indirect one, same functionnalities as I register
BACK x keyed as 'LBL' 'e^x', printed as 'Bc^x'
go back 'stack X' steps (stack X doesn't need to be negative)
This one was needed as there are still only 20 labels :(
A full rom source is given for the curious reader (patched and non patched)
As usual it's here :
Edited: 10 Nov 2011, 9:33 a.m.