Please correct me if I am incorrect, HP-15C was popular and loved by many, because of:
1- Form factor
2- Advanced scientific capabilities like no other at the time (not even now, in most cases)
3- Robustness and Reliability: Keyboard, Screen, Hardware, Firmware, Battery Life.
4- Simplicity and Elegance.
If HP-15C LE will live up to the legacy of this great product, and not just a classic look alike, then at least should meet these criteria and (plus more without compromises, faster speed, etc). Then we have a winner.
Edit: I really want to give credit to the HP product and development team who did a great job with bringing this calculator back. It is almost there. It is unfair that they are getting blamed for the poor quality of the chinese manufacturer. However they did the right thing and addressing the quality issues in a timely manner. Hard to know what else is going on behind the scenes. But I am confident that HP product team will resolve the quality issues and the HP-15C LE will live up to the legacy of the original 15C and more. What is next?, a hybrid 15C/12C with in the same package with customer keyboard layout? HP-42S LE? WP-34s -> ???? It has been awhile since 35s, perhaps it is time for the next big thing coming up??. Make Meg proud and fans happy!
Edited: 9 Nov 2011, 6:55 p.m. after one or more responses were posted