A few months ago I bought a 41CX. It came with the rechargeable battery pack (the one with short batteries and an electronic circuit inside). The battery pack looks "like new" externally, but the two inner batteries have some corrosion right where the metal tab connects them. The tabs that connect to the calculator are clean and shiny like new, as are the charger contacts. I don't know how the "bottom" of the cells looks like because I didn't open the pack (I don't know how to) but looking through the openings on the back, where you can "sort of" see the bottoms of the batteries, everything seems clean.
Now, my question... I don't have a charger and I usually prefer alkalines, so, would it be reasonable to ask an "exchange" with a battery pack that holds alkalines? Is there a big difference in value?
In case... is there someone in Europe interested in an exchange? :)