Tried to do it the other way round with the HP71B/Emu as device and the real HP71B as controller, but unfortunately, it did not work. This was all in a Windows 7 /64 bit environment.
In the HP71 IL-Module is a separate HP-IL processor which is only simulated. The IL processor simulation was written by JFG for his Emu71/DOS. JFG gave me the permission to use his HP-IL processor simulation sources inside Emu71/Win. So the HP-IL command capabilities between Emu71/DOS and Emu71/Win are identical. But not all commands are implemented, such command are everything around CONTROL OFF. At Emu71/DOS you can access the virtual devices inside, at Emu71/Win it's implemented as bridge to avoid breaking the virtual IL loop. You may read the Emu71/DOS manual about the HP-IL limitations (4.3 Support for various modules, section "HP-IL module").
I will try to let the HP-IL loop work across different computers. Any suggestions with respect to the firewall? Should I drill some holes in the address space of interest?
Normally you must drill holes into your firewall. The holes you already made for the "localhost" transfers by accepting the application with the OK button depends on the firewall, the OS version and the used user for the permission. A user with Admin privileges normally enabled the software for the Internet, so you have already the (too) big hole. If you made the same thing on WinXP with a non-privilege user, you have only the rights for the local machine. I personally use always the Windows internal firewall and then modify the permissions of the program by Change area on WinXP to "Only own network (Subnet)" and on Win7 to "Home/Work(Private)".
If you get no connection and you're not sure if it's a firewall problem then temporary disable the firewall to be sure that you have a firewall permission problem.
I recently had a problem on Win7/x86 with Emu71/Win. As Admin everything worked fine, as normal user I was able to send over port 60001 but received nothing over port 60000. First a thought about a user privilege problem, in fact as normal user port 60000 was already in use.
To check the port usage you may call:
netstat /a
Hope this helps