FOCAL old factory ...

Post: #9

New emulator, this one is for HP97

Feel free to test and report bugs


Post: #10

Very Nice :)

... and... me... want... l i n u x...

Post: #11

... and... me... want... l i n u x...

So... just do it! ;-)

Post: #12

I could. But it has to come a few hundred yards down my priority list. Just raising the wish in case it gets someones attention - someone who would have this higher on their priority list.

Post: #13

Very nice; however, the 'paper' window does not fit on my laptop screen - I cannot see the bottom of it and cannot size it.


Post: #14

Corrected, the printer window is shorter by default and resizable.

MERGE is now working as the speed select

Download the file again (same name & all)

Post: #15


Is an HP-67 emulator not too far behind in the works?


Post: #16

I just need to test the keyboard with no pik and it should be ok.
But the drawing part for card isn't already done.

Could be done this week :)

Post: #17

Way cool!! I look forward to it!


Post: #18

Finaly it was faster :)

Only the toggle for normal and label key was somewhat difficult ...
(non documented opcodes, need some luck to find the function)

I added an auto checksum to make playing with card by hand easier :)

Feel free to comments ...

(I know the height of 67 picture is too much, i'll try to make a smaller one)



Post: #19

Thank you Olivier, nice job!


Post: #20

1) I started a program on the HP 67 but could not stop it running.

2) When I right click on a card, I get a context menu to insert side 2 but cannot seem to get a context menu for side 1.

Post: #21

1) to insert side 1, right-click on the left part of the card (side 1 mark)
to insert side 2, right-click on the right part of the card (side 2 mark)

2) the keyboard of the 67 isn't mapped as the 97, it seems that the F2 line of the card reader is wired somewhere on the keyboard matrix for the R/S key behaviour, but I didn't find where actually ( I don't have a 67, only a 97) (opcode 00400 and opcode 00500)

The opcodes 00760, 00160, 00060 are still unknow for me :(

Some other opcode are ok, other are working, but I'm not sure of their behaviour

I don't have the wiring of the F0, F2, F3 and F4 lines of the card reader.

F1 is for prgm/run switch

F2 ?? for some keys ?

F3 not used

F4 used externally for the A to E behaviour

I need to use a F0 internal flag for merge pending

The 67 emulator isn't as mature as the 97 one, sorry.

I made a quick hack, and now it's working, get version 1.1 on my site

Edited: 26 Oct 2011, 4:26 a.m.

Post: #22

No problem, just wanted to let you know. :-)

Great job!

Post: #23

Wonderful job Olivier!!

Post: #24

Thank you very much for the programme, Olivier, it works perfectly!

I badly needed an HP-97 emulator but the ones I tried did not worked with wine. I use Ubuntu Linux and both run okay, I agree that the HP-67 image is too big, but as a fix, I rotated the screen to the left and operate the keys and switches using my mouse, my PC is a netbook.

I wish you a happy and wonderful life. ;-)

Post: #25


I just downloaded the emulators version 1.2. The HP-67 emulator (both debug and release versions) are experiencing run-time errors and do not run properly. I am running Windows 7.


Edited: 26 Oct 2011, 5:07 p.m.

Post: #26

Partially corrected by version 1.4 (97-release still buggy)

The 1.5 should be ok

Edited: 27 Oct 2011, 10:32 a.m.

Post: #27


Yes the HP-67 emulator works much smoother. Many thanks!


Post: #28

New version 1.6

At speed greater than x1, ALL PAUSE, -x- & all for HP67 are at
the right speed (better than a HP15C LE)

CPU is used at 100% only at max speed and when computing.

For the curious I'm curently dis-assembling the ROM of the HP97.
I have currently 50% of code commented :)
And I can re-assemble a good rom (same as the original bit-per-bit)
with an home made assembler. Now it's time to patch it

Edited: 2 Nov 2011, 3:10 p.m.

Post: #29

Where may I find it?


Post: #30

HP 67 and 97 Emulator

Post: #31

Hi Olivier, I am curious about the bitmap images you include in the 1.6 version files, with a photo of the actual display of the HP-97, do you will make the emulator more realistic with digits of the same separation between them and proportional size of the actual 97? That could be wonderful. I love both this display and the classic series, when the ones and fours are as tall as the other digits.

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