The FOCAL Factory proudly presents 2 new modules


TFF™ softly launches the aforementioned "avalanche" of User Library Solution modules and the kick-off was unanimously decided to be the "Business Stat/Marketing/Sales" and "Test Statistics" FOCAL Roms.

The President decided to host the .ROM and the .MOD images at the UC-41 page .

Enjoy or else.



I *know* these are user code and some of them are dated, etc., but given that the solution book code is already written, debugged and was useful then, it *might* be useful now.

So, bravo! Please don't stop know! Build up good karma!


Gene, here's my offer to you (and anyone else): should you send me the programs in RAW files I'll gladly put them together in ROM, MOD, EXCEL, PDF or any format you care (except RPL :-)

And when you do, don't forget to specify:

- XROM id#

- FAT entries sequence

- XROM vs. XEQ convention (to avoid LBL conflicts)

- etc...


Edited: 22 Oct 2011, 4:47 a.m.


Both the .rom and .mod Tests links seem to be broken...




TFF go travel! Yesssir, way to go :-)

And now the daunting step: what about the manuals??



The materials are already at TOS and in the TOSdvd as pdfs.


Any chance to get a link to that in your web site? (saves search time and effort...)

This is what I get clicking on your name at TOS:

Title	Date
ASTROUI ROM Nov 22. 2010
ICEBOX ROM 1H Jan 12, 2010
ICEBOX ROM Manual 1H Jan 12, 2010
ISENE ROM Oct 16, 2011
ISENE ROM Manual Oct 16, 2011
NOV CHAP Manual 1 Jun 3, 2011
NOV CHAP rom 1 Jun 3, 2011

none seems to be it?

Edited: 22 Oct 2011, 7:04 a.m.


These new modules are simply the old User Library Solutions in ROM/MOD format - but yeah, I will include the links...

...done :)


oh, I was wrong - I thought it was your Stats-on-steroids [or was it asteroids?] :-)

BTW the MOD file doesn't have any "name", and gives errors on V41.



Not any name? How so? On a real 41, the first FOCAL program in the FAT becomes the "name" of the module...

Edited: 22 Oct 2011, 7:31 p.m.


I confirmed the error on the FOCAL modules on the V41. Seems V41 doesn't support using modules that have no MCODE header but where the first header is a FOCAL program. This is however no problem on an ordinary HP-41 or on the EMU41.

Any ideas on why? Or how to (very easily) solve it? The obvious solution would perhaps be to manually enter an MCODE header function as the first FAT entry, but that would defeat the purpose of letting a non-MCODE savvy person be able to create easy FOCAL roms...

Maybe just drop the MODs?


I don't think it's a V41 limitation. If you edit the appropriate MOD file "Title" field using ml2k, then it's properly shown on V41.

Edited to add:- Also can edit the Copyright, Date, etc. fields.

Edited: 23 Oct 2011, 11:03 a.m.


I have now fiddled with the MLDL2K for a while and managed to debug the issue. The MOD files are now correct and should run (although they do not show up on CAT2 on the V41 as they do on a real HP-41, they do work also on the V41). It would be nice if someone else could verify this.


They work fine on my V41 w/the CCD (or OS/X) - showing the first program in the page (4k-block).

A bare 41 doesn't "see" the FAT entries unless they're longer than 7 chrs, which obviously won't be the case when copying FOCAL programs to ROM (synthetics aside).

That's why I always add a simple MCODE header to the construct. In fact I just completed the Control_Systems and Electrical_Engineering solution books, adding them to ROM/MOD. Unfortunately they can't be fit into a single 4k block together, so it's two of them right now. I can send them to your FFT library if you want.


Please do :)


I just did :-)

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