Post: #24

As mentioned a week ago, it is now very easy to create FOCAL rom images. With HEPAX in an HP-41CL or an HP-41 with a NoV module, you can now create your FOCAL roms with ease. Transfer the image with Juergen Keller's recipe .

First ROM out is my own - a collection of my FOCAL programs in a 4K module image.

From the UC-41 page:

"The most useful of my FOCAL programs below is now contained in one 4K ROM image - the ISENE.ROM. Here you will find the Ultimate Alarm Clock, the PDA programs NOTES and REM as well as CRYPT to encrypt and decrypt ascii files and other neat stuff for your HP-41.

Download the ISENE.ROM and the detailed manual."

Testing reports are highly appreciated.

Post: #25

nice! The avalanche has begun :-)

What about your enhanced Curve Fitting maisterwerk?

Post: #26

Yes - the curve fitting on steroids will show up later.

Post: #27

BTW, the CharterBT-Roman font doesn't seem to be available in the standard adobe setup, so there are some lines illegible (table of contents, etc.)

Post: #28

Thanks - fixed.

Nice to have you guys in my corner to correct things :)

Post: #29

Looking much better, thanks. Still the LIBHPX section contains the non-standard font, sure you can also change that.

Post: #30


Post: #31

BTW - here's how it's done:

  1. Initialize HEPAX on the CL (via the HEPCL function in CLUTILS) or use a NoV module (Diego's marvel)
  2. Save the programs you want in your module (HSAVEP) in the sequence you want them to appear in the module (make a short "Header program" as the first in the list - this will show up as the "name" of your module in CAT2)
  3. Use BLCAT (from CLUTILS) or similar function to check when your saved programs goes past the first 4K of HEPAX RAM
  4. When you are satisfied with your new FOCAL rom, edit a few addresses in the ROM:
  5. Write h300 to XFF3 (where X is the page number where your HEPAX RAM/module is located) and h000 to XFE7 and XFE8 - this signifies that this is no longer a HEPAX RAM block.
  6. Go to X000 and write any number from h001 to h01F as the XROM number you want for your new module.
  7. Then use the recipe linked above to transfer the module to your PC and turn it into a real .ROM file.
Post: #32

Can you post an ISENE.MOD file so many of us can easy load it to HP-41CX emulators?



Post: #33

Never done that. Recipe?

Post: #34

Using ML2k manager is a piece of cake.

Post: #35

Can someone do that and share the MOD file with the rest of us?

Post: #36

Done.- will email it to you later today.

Post: #37

Angel, you are the man!!!!

Many thanks!!


Post: #38

Thanks to Ángel; Here's the direct link: ISENE.MOD.

And available as usual on the UC-41 page.

Splurge on it.

Post: #39

It really is a trivial afair using ML2k manager SW - which is free and doesn't require an MLDL2k to run - so we have Meindert to thank!

Post: #40

Ah, I have thought that I needed the device itself to do this. Now I downloaded the software and got it running under WINE, so now I can churn out both ROM and MOD files.

Post: #41

You need it in .ROM format for transfer to the 41CL.

Post: #42

Hi Monte. I scanned through the 41CL manual on your website yesterday. How does a user load a new ROM image into the 41CL? Is there a PC based application that can 'talk' to the 41CL through the serial port or do you use the 'Updating the 41CL Hardware' procedure in your manual?


Post: #43

A couple of the Beta testers stepped up here.

Antti Louko wrote python scripts for linux and

Raymond Wiker wrote a program that uses the MS .NET framework.

I'll ask them for permission to post it on my 41CL pages,

or perhaps on the 41CL wiki:

The serial port and the YIMP function is used to import stuff.


Edited: 18 Oct 2011, 10:01 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #44

Or you can use a PIL BOX. Or an RS-232/IL converter (if you are into tinkering).

Post: #45

Thanks Monte and Geir. Actually I have both the PIL Box and the RS-232/IL converter. I'm on the waiting list for the next batch of 41CL cards and it appears they will be available soon. Since I'm running Windows 7/WinXP on all my PCs, I would be interested in Raymond Wiker's program if he makes it available.

Thank you,

Post: #46

Raymond has graciously agreed to my posting it on the 41CL

website, so expect to see it show up shortly.

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