I was playing with a few old non-HP calculators I just recently bought. They are all from the early 70's. And they all have really horrible keyboards. The keys are mushy, bouncy, in a word almost unusable; while HP keyboards from that era are really nice.
But you all know this.
What I was thinking today is that the quality of even non-HP keyboards is much better these days. I sometimes play, for example, with a ultra-cheap, modern Casio fx-570. Its keyboard doesn't "rotate and click", but I find it reliable: no missed keys or bounces *ever*. True, it doesn't have the pleasant click, but it's perfectly usable. Some modern HP keyboards instead, despite having the click, aren't all that reliable. I use, for example, the HP-50g and the WP-34s (30b hardware), and with both I have to keep an eye on the display, to see if all the keys registered because they sometimes don't.
I still like HP keyboards a lot, maybe I'm just saying that the "gap" between HP and others has gone - or worse yet, has reversed...
OK, "rant" over! :)