The LCD of HP41CV will not turn on.
I measured the following behavior:
When applying a battery voltage of 6 Volt, the calculator sinks 340 uA. (This current seems much too high for the sleepmode).
When the ON key is pressed, the supply current goes to 1.4 mA.
When the ON key is pressed, the battery current is 2.2 mA.
The calculator cannot be turned back to the sleepmode by pressing the ON key. By reconnecting the battery, the sleepmode is back.
The internal supply voltage is in sleepmode about the battery voltage and in active mode 6.4 Volt, regardless of the battery voltage (between 4V and 6V).
The model is a halfnut version, serial 2721Sxxxxx.
Is this a known problem?
Where to find service documentation for this model?