Nerdvana & mass production of FOCAL rom images


Firstly; Here's my latest blog post celebrating my new HP-41CL:


Secondly; I realized a shortcut to easy production of FOCAL program rom images for the HP-41. With no knowledge of MCODE:

  1. Load HEPAX into your CL (use the function HEPCL from the CLUTILS rom)
  2. Save your favorite FOCAL programs to HEPAX RAM (use HSAVEP)
  3. Transfer the 4K HEPAX RAM block to your PC using the serial connector or a PIL BOX
  4. Use the conversion from LIF file to ROM file as detailed in Geoff's QRG for the 41CL

Optionally you can add an MCODE header, set the XROM# for your module and set the ROM ID and version number. This requires onl a very basic knowledge of MCODE.

With this, we could see an avalanche of new FOCAL rom images :)


By FOCAL do you mean RPN keystroke programming?


Yes, the keystroke programming of the HP-41.


With this, we could see an avalanche of new FOCAL rom images :)

Well, looking forward to that avalanche!

Once again, the HEPAX proves to be the cornerstone of the 41 system.- I don;t know what we'd do without it.

I use a similar method on my MLDL2k, which I think is better and easier than the PILBox plus the LIF conversion. You should try it out, maybe the avalanche becomes a deluge!

on the HEPCL function - I've thought about doing a subset configuring just 8k of HEPAX RAM, instead of the 16 it does currently. Will that jive?



That will Jive - as I only use 8K of HEPAX RAM at a time (holding several sets of 8K HEPAX RAM pages to switch between)

... I don't have an MLDL:(


I think ALL of the programs from the HP 41 solution books are prime candidates. Most of them can be barcode scanned into a 41.

Just imagine having all of *that* material available on your 41CL as well as what is already there.



Well, I for one don't think that many of those programs would be worth the effort - besides a librarian appeal, of course. They're quite aged, most were written during the initial phase of the 41's existence and don't even use X-Functions.

There were other programs in the User's Library more worthy of this type of project, it's a shame no indexed listing remains, or no repository was made - beyond what's left on TOS and this very museum site.

Just my 2 cents, only one person's opinion.



Well, there are some interesting one's - like those of the User Libraries of Physics, Marketing/Sales, Games I/II...


A few (the most interesting ones) from the Games I/II are in the FUNSTUFF and ADVENTURE modules, part of your CL Libray indeed.


Couple of thoughts:

1) What's useful to you or me might not be useful to others and vice versa. Some of those programs are certainly application oriented, but having them in .rom format will preserve them and allow them to be used by doing some UPLUG and PLUG commands. :-) Please don't dismiss the idea too quickly. :-)

2) A number of HP 41 programs can be found here on David Ramsey's site:

HP documents FTP link


Or install NutStudio Tools on your host computer.

  1. Copy the games example (from the installation) to a new work folder.
  2. Copy all the RPN files (text or raw) you want in your module into the work folder.
  3. Edit the Makefile to mention the RPN files.
  4. Make a trivial edit to header.s to change the name of the module,
    XROM number and XROM ID.
  5. Optionally edit games.ModDesc (XML file) to set correct MOD metadata.
  6. Run 'make' and it will put together your new RPN module.

You can omit step 4 and 5 initially.

All very easy steps. NutStudio Tools have been able to do ths for a
while, but no avalanche of RPN modules...


I keep forgetting that this exists. Can you provide the URL again?

BTW, I love the name, "NutStudio".

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