HP-15c LE arrived in Madrid, Spain

Post: #5

Limited edition number 00276. New tests (g + ENTER + ON) passed succesfully. Old tests fail (seems that old tests failure is "normal") and every key works.

Now I have a 16c, a 11c and this new baby.

Post: #6

Sr. Herrero;

There is some conjecture here as to how people found out about the new 15. The guesses go that they discovered it through this forum from between 90% down to 0.9% of cases. Since I don't recognize your name, i wondreed how the 15cle came to your attention?

Post: #7

I have some search terms programmed in Twitter and one of them is "HP calculators" and there I heard about the new 15c LE. Don't remember the name of the guy who tweeted about this.

Post: #8


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