The program on page 89 is very definitely not working as it should, i.e., as it would on an original HP-15C.
After entering 45 in Y and 50 in X, then executing f A, the value 38.2683 should be displayed for the length of two pauses (about two seconds), after which the program terminates shortly showing 39.2699.
Instead, the PSE bug in the 15C-LE causes the following: After executing f A, the value 38.2683 is displayed for the length of the first pause (about one second), then the display blanks for the length of the second pause (about one second), after which the program terminates showing 39.2699. Bad!
This PSE bug that I reported here on September 10 only becomes apparent after more than one PSE is encountered in the program runstream, as it is in this program. The first PSE works OK, but subsequent PSE commands disrupt the LCD. It is immaterial whether the PSE commands are in any sort of loop, DSE or otherwise.