(sigh) I don't understand (TAS revisited)


How can someone bid an HP-15C Limited Edition up to $300.00??! . I just don't understand the logic behind the auction of a product that you can purchase brand new for between $99.99 and $149.99. There's some psychology in action here that doesn't make sense to me.
Thank goodness I had the sense to purchase 2 units when Buy.com had them for under $100.


Many buyers are not aware of product sources beyond TAS and Amazon. Many have never heard of this forum. I didn't even know that Buy.com existed until I read a post about it on this forum. I also found out about CostCentral on this forum back in June, and was able to preorder, before they stopped taking orders. Also, many buyers live outside the USA and are limited in sources that will ship to them. For example, the auction that you linked will ship worldwide, but many others won't.


Many buyers are not aware of product sources beyond TAS and Amazon. Many have never heard of this forum. I didn't even know that Buy.com existed until I read a post about it on this forum. I also found out about CostCentral on this forum back in June, and was able to preorder, before they stopped taking orders. Also, many buyers live outside the USA and are limited in sources that will ship to them. For example, the auction that you linked will ship worldwide, but many others won't.

You would think that potential buyers would check out the HP website store.


If they check the home store, it is out of stock, and most are not aware of the alternate business store. Some don't know anything other than TAS.


But they are a "Limited Edition"! They are going fast! If you don't buy now you may be missing out! Pay any price! Just buy it!


Yes, and if you look at TAS today, there are many more listings now, and many at a lower price. For example, one listing is for 3 units at a $175 BIN price each with free shipping. Funny how a competitive market works.

Edited: 22 Sept 2011, 4:31 p.m.


Since I'm a newbie, why is the acronym TAS used? It's not mentioned in the terms and conditions or in a FAQ.

BTW, there's only 2 left of the $175 BIN and the rest of the lower priced ones are gone.

Would you sell one of your stashed 15CLEs for $175 with the possibility that HP won't make more than 10K?


Forum rules: if you mention an eB** auction, you have to list your own eB** handle in the post.


TAS stands for "That Auction Site" and refers to eB*y. It is a matter of political correctness on this site not to refer to it directly. As to selling prices, the one referenced in the OP started out at $9, but has been rapidly bid up to $300. As to the risk that HP won't make more than 10K, I didn't buy mine to speculate, but to keep for all eternity, so what I could get for them is irrelevant.


Funny :-) Now as former TAS CEO is taking over HP... Perhaps we should teach the media to replace eB** with TAS on every news outlet :-)


TAS is to eB** as "He who must not be named" is to Voldemort in Harry Potter.

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