Can anyone that feels they have a problematic keyboard you are not happy with, that has 1) keys not registering or 2) very noticeable differences in key pressure, please email me at my full name as written below connected to @hp.com? We definitely would like to get those for examination. May need to smack some heads or put a new process in place. There have not been things like this for quite a long time on the 12c units and they come off the same assembly line. There is quite a bit of puzzlement about the whole situation. . . :-(
Nobody can figure out how the 12c firmware could have slipped in there either. Should be impossible as every unit has the full tests run before it goes out. . .
A "loose" function key is not a keyboard issue. As the steel molds wear towards replacement, the tolerances for those two keys are not as tight and they become a bit looser. You have wear on the key molds, and then on the upper case. Thus two parts wear and the design of the mold takes that into account for the projected life of both molds.
This is normal. Those function keys essentially have a "barrel" at the bottom that rotates in a slot on the upper mold. All they other keys are in a keyboard tree which is why they don't have any movement.
Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 11:27 p.m. after one or more responses were posted