Reminders: If you're coming to HHC 2011...


1) You need to be registered. You will have to sign in at HP security and we need a list in advance. Those who show up at the last minute without registering will simply cause a delay for yourself. We WANT you to come :-) but we need you to register.

2) Registration affects the food budget. Please register if you are going to attend and do so before 9/21/2011 (next Wednesday).

3) You will probably need to sign a Non-disclosure agreement.

4) DOOR PRIZES. There is a long history and tradition of attendees bringing some exciting item (or items!) to go on the door prize table. At the end of the day Sunday, we start drawing for the door prize giveaway. Most years, people get 2, 3, or more items. One year, an attendee got an HP 70 (yes, the red LED HP 70) as a door prize! But, this means if you are attending, we ask that you dig through your closet, drawers and find interesting items for the door prize table. I usually bring 4-5 items at least. :-)

5) This year, we will be more time crunched than usual. We are thinking of enforcing stricter time limits on presentations. If you are given 30 minutes to present, we will limit you to 30 minutes. Really.

6) Please be patient with the committee members. Something may not go as we planned but we all try to arrange things to be informative, interesting and fun!

So, if you are anywhere near San Diego or can come, see item one above and join us!


Is there a proper way to look for or offer ride sharing to and from this event?


Is there a proper way to look for or offer ride sharing to and from this event?

There is a shuttle from the hotel to the event.

If you need to get from the airport to the hotel there is info on the HHC site. Or you can just start walking, but hold up a calc with a big ENTER key instead of your thumb and I am sure one of us will pick you up. :-)


Hi, Egan! I don't have a big ENTER^ key but I do have other things for you that are *long* past due delivery! I hope to make it there so you can get them in person.

Will have to dig through storage to find other old HP stuff to bring as door prizes or trivia for other certified nerds like me.


I'll be there.


Is there a proper way to look for or offer ride sharing to and from this event?

Hi Jim! In all likelihood I will be renting a car. My flight arrives at 8:53am on Friday, and my flight home takes off at 12:30pm on Monday. So if either or both of your flights are within say an hour or so of those times, I'll be happy to give you a lift. I should have room for one or two more, first come first served.

Sorry to have to clarify: Is there a way to arrange ride sharing from *far away*? For instance, I may be driving from Portland, Oregon by way of US Interstate 5 with side trips possible to the San Francisco Bay area. My van has eight seats. Or, conversely, I may like to ride with someone else from up here (or Seattle, Washington, Boise, Idaho (Hi, Vern!), etc.). (By the way, just 'cause I love RPN doesn't mean I can't use parentheses (see!)).

There must be others who could benefit by combining their trips as well...


It was Richard Nelson who won the HP-70 calculator a few years ago. My own personal guess is that Richard never had an HP-70. I had the chance to win that machine OR get a voucher from Eric for his single unit that is switchable replica of various vintage machines. Richard chose the good prize. I chose the voucher and have yet to see my prize after all these years!!!



Edited: 15 Sept 2011, 11:16 p.m. after one or more responses were posted


I think you're going to want to claim that voucher this year! And you'll probably be happy to have waited!

Edited: 15 Sept 2011, 4:59 p.m.


Yessssssssssssssss!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!



I found the voucher and am packing it in my backpack.


I was glad to donate the HP-70. That thing is too ugly to exist...


That was very generous of you given the fact that auctions on TAS sell them between $300 to $700. I suspect the price nowadays i son the low side.


This year I am contributing an unopened Windows 1.0 in a somewhat tatty box, as well as some other stuff, computer cases and the like.

Hopefully we can find some falafels for lunch as we did in 2006. I like Reno, but ethnic food's kinda thin on the ground here.


will be at the site. No travel. Might be cheap stuff, but we really cannot afford the time to leave and come back. Plus, the logistics of getting 80+ people out and back in a short amount of time is awful.

We are going to have such a full schedule, I may not give a talk at all.

(Hey, quiet down the applause and cheers there...)



Greater than $0 but less than $50 for sure.

Please come prepared. :-)



I would suggest everyone bring their 15Cs in all their "incarnations" so we can hold them up in the group photo...

And DEFINITELY bring 20bs and 30bs for flashing into the 34S units, or perhaps existing 34S units to get re-flashed with the most updated firmware.



I just made sure that I'm able to compile the 34S software on my MacBook which I will bring to the conference. So we may even create new versions there. I don't have an FTDI equipped single port USB/RS232 adapter, so one of you should bring one. I'll bring my special FTDI cable (USB to 2.5mm stereo) for my modified 30b.

My main development unit is broken: The serial port no longer works and thus SAM-BA won't work any longer :-(. I've just won another 20b for less then 30€ which will be modified to replace the broken one when I'm back.


I am bringing two 30b and two 20b. Only one of the 30b models has a version of the wp34s. But I will need to flash them all!!! I also want to see the process up close. I recently got an old laptop with a serial port and Windows XP. I installed SAM-BA 2.10 and used Gene's cable and followed the process. Still no success. I played withe cable took the batteries out and then put them back in ... nothing going! So I will need to get my learning cap on!


5) This year, we will be more time crunched than usual. We are thinking of enforcing stricter time limits on presentations. If you are given 30 minutes to present, we will limit you to 30 minutes. Really.

Somebody be ready to get the hook out for Richard :-)


We are thinking of bringing back Eric Vogel's StopLight that will go red when time is up.

The worst violator who goes beyond their time or won't heed the redlight may be given a Texas Instruments calculator.


don't you think that's punishing the poor fellow too much?

i wish i could attend this and meet all you people, but alas, too poor and too little time.


The worst violator who goes beyond their time or won't heed the redlight may be given a Texas Instruments calculator.

I'll blab all day so I can be first in line for a TI-88 :-) :-)



Eric Vogel's StopLight that will go red when time is up.



5) This year, we will be more time crunched than usual. We are thinking of enforcing stricter time limits on presentations. If you are given 30 minutes to present, we will limit you to 30 minutes. Really.

I can shorten my presentation from four hours to three if that helps. ;-)


Don't you dare. If you shorten it you'll leave something vital out :-)

- Pauli


Remember video starts becoming reasonable at 18 pictures per second ;-)

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