Cost Central shipping HP15C LE?

Post: #2


When the info that had sold out showed up I called Cost Central to see what they had to say. I was one of those that had an order with them originally until beat them to it. I was told that they had them in stock (they are not showing up on their web page yet).

So those of you that have an order in with them may be getting your units soon.



Edited: 15 Sept 2011, 12:34 p.m.

Post: #3

Did you ask how many units they have?

Post: #4

Oops. No I did not. Sorry. I will say that they did not seem very sure of any of the answers they gave me so I would not hold my breath just yet.



Post: #5

I checked my account, and apparently a unit has shipped to me via FEDEX, and it is due to arrive tomorrow. The interesting thing is that it has shipped from the same Olive Branch, Miss. location as the one I received from So this begs the question as to whether this is actually a true distribution center for HP products and CostCentral and are simply soft sellers with no actual warehouses of their own. Essentially, the calcs are being drop shipped from the common warehouse. I sure hope this one is properly shipped in an outer box and not simply a padded bag.

Post: #6

CostCentral,, and MANY other online merchants use drop shipping from the same wholesale distribution centers. I often find that if I search for computer products, a bunch of these online merchants claim to have exactly the same number of the items in stock, because they're querying the wholesaler's database.

Post: #7

Ok, makes sense, but that begs the question: Why does no longer have any units available and Cost Central has just started shipping?

If the above were the case, and it does make sense to me, why are both not taking orders? Did cost central reserve a number of units based on orders or request a certain inventory that is held in reserve for it? And if the same warehouse is shipping for both retailers why didn't cost central start shipping a week ago? Just wondering.



Post: #8

Possibly Cost Central has a business relationship with another wholesale distribution center that does not.

Post: #9

SYNNEX Corporation is apparently the actual owner of that warehouse. They list HP as one of their suppliers, which is probably how got 15cs so fast.

Post: #10

I just got an email from CostCentral. It says that they have shipped my order. SO that is good news. the email offers a tracking number.

When I track the order on Fedex's web site it says that the package was dropped off at OLIVE BRANCH, MS ... same place where the orders of BUY.COM were dropped off. Very interesting!


Edited: 15 Sept 2011, 8:23 p.m.

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