Dr Bills Quadratic solver for 35S

Post: #3

This is a fantastic program and my calculator was flawless in my friday exam. Does anyone know how I could modify this program to display complex solutions with the little "i" symbol so I know (without having to think) that its a complex solution?



*EDIT* Woops, turns out I didn't end up typing this one in, but the one listed in the next post.

Edited: 11 Sept 2011, 9:12 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #4

just use this one: http://www.hpmuseum.org/cgi-sys/cgiwrap/hpmuseum/articles.cgi?read=881

Post: #5

Sorry, that is the one I ended up typing in, it doesn't show the roots using the HP35S feature. Maybe that can be my job.

just use this one: http://www.hpmuseum.org/cgi-sys/cgiwrap/hpmuseum/articles.cgi?read=881

Post: #6

Which one did you enter? There is one for the 33S and one for the 35S. You have to scroll down to see the 35S version.

Post: #7

I did the 35S version, but it doesn't use the "i" feature of the 35S. Youll notice Dr Bills version uses the "i" key.

The "Cadillac" Quadratic solver talks about how it can find roots in situations when others can't . Does anyone know one of these so I can test it vs Dr Bills?


Post: #8

The "Cadillac" Quadratic solver talks about how it can find roots in situations when others can't . Does anyone know one of these so I can test it vs Dr Bills?

The documentation for the Cadillac Quadratic Solver in Article 881 includes eight test cases. Some are similar to those in the HP-15C Advanced Functions Handbook where the differences are due to the use of a different quadratic equation there. Others were added to provide more difficult problems for 12 digit machines.
Post: #9

This one has complex solutions support and displays "i" symbol: http://www.hpmuseum.org/cgi-sys/cgiwrap/hpmuseum/articles.cgi?read=1003

Edited: 12 Sept 2011, 5:11 a.m.

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