HHC2011 Conference Presenters: Please Prepare Your Papers

Post: #4


Richard Nelson is in the process of aggregating presentation materials for the HHC2011 conference proceedings. There probably will be a printed version for attendees, as well as the possibility of an electronic version. If you plan to have a paper, or if not to present slides, please get an electronic copy to Richard as soon as possible. His email is rjnelsoncf <at> cox <dot> net. If your paper is not ready until very close to the conference weekend, then we would respectfully ask that you do your best to bring 75-80 hard copies (as well as an electronic copy) to distribute to the attendees, if at all possible. We'd like your material to reach the widest possible audience, including HP.


(conf. presenter and attendee since 1979, when the '41 was "king")

Post: #5

(conf. presenter and attendee since 1979, when the '41 was "king")

I don't believe you've been coming to conferences for that long. I mean, I've never seen you in any of the videos.

Post: #6

Yes! Where is the evidence? I demand equal time for the TOS* movement!

* Truth On Schwartz. Some have it as TAS (Truth About Schwartz), but that's just a joke designed to confuse newbies.

Post: #7

Which Schwartz? Jake or Richard??? /-]


Post: #8

No, the one behind the Schwar(t)zschild Radius - the one you don't see there ;-)

Post: #9


Post: #10

Which Schwartz? Jake or Richard??? /-]

May the Schwartz be with you!

Edited: 9 Sept 2011, 12:09 a.m.

Post: #11

any chance the softcopy papers could be downloadable for us non-attendees? pretty please?

hpnut in Malaysia

Post: #12

any chance the softcopy papers could be downloadable for us non-attendees? pretty please?

Of course, any speaker can make his/her own materials available anywhere. I should ask the conference committee what they think regarding posting the entire set of papers on line.


Post: #13

Of course, any speaker can make his/her own materials available anywhere.

I'll post mine as a PDF after the conference, most probably on our SourceForge pages. I've sent the status quo to Richard but there may well be some last minute changes until the presentation is really held.

Caveat: A set of slides is more of a table of contents of what the actual presentation on HHC will be. Don't expect the full info and don't expect me to just read it down in sequence. ;-)

Post: #14

My SR-60 presentation is a PowerPoint document, currently about 18.5M. I assume I can send that?

Post: #15

Mine is around 20MB or so. Anyone want a copy now to proofread? ;-P


Post: #16

Sure! I would love to see it! Oh..... Damn:(

Well I guess I will just have to wait a couple of weeks.....

Edited: 9 Sept 2011, 1:10 a.m.

Post: #17

although English is not my native language, I am pretty good at spotting typos and grammatical errors. try me :-)

Post: #18

I'm a retired technical editor with 30+ years experience. I'd be happy to proofread your paper.

Comcast apparently rejects attached files as large as 20MB; perhaps you could split the file, or compress it suitably for decompression on a Macintosh running OS 10?

Post: #19

Reminds me of today's xkcd.

Post: #20

My SR-60 presentation is a PowerPoint document, currently about 18.5M. I assume I can send that?

I guess you could try and we'll hope that Richard's email doesn't choke...


Post: #21

(conf. presenter and attendee since 1979, when the '41 was "king")

Isn't anymore? When did that change???


Post: #22

Isn't anymore? When did that change???

I love it!


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