WP34S: Alpha Labels and Alpha Catalogs


With the RTN+1 instruction on the WP34s you can code routines that behave as test instructions with a return to the step following the routine call if the result is True, or to the step after if the result is False.

So I was trying to program a new "y=z?" test when I realized first that with 3 characters allowed for Alpha labels I have to shorten the name. So I decided to try with LBL 'y=z' (which may not be the best name for a test ..).

However I've not been able to enter the '=' character which is in the [TEST] Alpha Catalog. It seems that when entering an Alpha label (after entering [f][LBL][ENTER]) you cannot access any Alpha catalog while you're supposed to be in Alpha mode.

I've not seen this limitation documented in the manual, so I don't know if it's a bug or a feature :-)


It's obviously not the full alpha mode. I've recently worked on all this and I may look into it again in more detail but I cannot promise any success in this special case. Maybe Pauli has an idea.

EDIT: I'm afraid this will not be an easy task. I've just reread the code and mixing the two states "alpha label entry" and "alpha entry" with full catalogue support is next to impossible.

Edited: 9 Aug 2011, 3:15 p.m.


Bonsoir Didier,

Good find! You can't access any alpha catalogue while you are in temporary alpha mode. So all the characters shown on page 9 are accessible, almost all those stored in the catalogues are not. Frankly, I never tried inserting such a character, so thanks for pointing this out. Due to some specialties I'll add another page after page 9 showing what's possible in label-entry mode. Maybe we can bring the '=' to the surface nevertheless, but I'll have to check.

Merci bien,



I knew about this little problem and was wondering how long until it was noticed by others :-)

We're looking to see if we can allow catalogues during label entry. As Marcus mentioned, it isn't easy but just might be possible.

We can, however, map additional characters to some of the otherwise unused keyboard locations (including catalogue keys). Up and down arrow are already present on the arrow keys e.g. We don't have complete freedom over where to put such characters but there is some wriggle room still.

- Pauli


Talking about the Virtual active keyboard in alpha mode I find a bit disturbing that [h][3] doesn't bring the lower case Pi symbol as indicated on the layout but instead the pound symbol and that to get the lower case Pi symbol you have to press [f][EXIT] to go to lower case and then [g][/] ...

As you associate the $ to the S letter ([h][6]), Euro to the U letter ([h][2) and Yen or Yuan to the Y letter ([h][R/S]), I would have put the pound with the P letter on [h][/] and have used [h][3] for the small Pi which is more intuitive, at least for me.


Bonsoir Didier,

As you associate the $ to the S letter ([h][6]), Euro to the U letter ([h][2) and Yen or Yuan to the Y letter ([h][R/S]), I would have put the pound with the P letter on [h][/] and have used [h][3] for the small Pi which is more intuitive, at least for me.

I took your suggestion and arranged the virtual alpha keyboard accordingly :-) Now it's up to Pauli to implement it in the SW.

Merci bien,



Done. I hope.

- Pauli



I've seen in your comments that with this change you're losing the ^-1 from the keyboard, however I've looked to the key mapping and I see that now lower case PI is available at three locations: [h][3] , lower case [g][/] and also [h][EEX]. I don't think we need the latest one which could be a good location for ^-1, unless you have other plans.


pi shouldn't have been on the EEX key. It will be gone from there.

I don't see a relationship between EEX and ^-1 and I doubt Walter will either so it doesn't make sense to put ^-1 there. It is in the alpha superscripts catalogue so it hasn't been lost.

It kind of makes sense on h-shift B to associate it with 1/x.

- Pauli


lower case PI is available at three locations: [h][3] , lower case [g][/] and also [h][EEX].

That was very old washing: lower case pi lived under [EEX] in the last quarter of 2010. It went to [3] thereafter for obvious reasons. It's regular habitat as a letter, however, is [g][/] as explained on pp. 9 and 10 of the manual.

And for all the characters beyond what's directly accessible on the keyboard, please look on page 67. All letters for tout le Français are featured d:-)



Edited: 11 Aug 2011, 3:21 p.m.

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