HP-71B package

Post: #5

Similar to my HP-50g package some time ago I've now also made a complete HP-71B package, including ROMs and improved keyboard support.

The two main enhancements are:

- directly clickable shifted functions (only for the larger view)

- full keyboard support, i.e. you can enter everything (also all special characters) on the usual PC keyboard (no need anymore for getting these special chars by complicated key combinations)

I've made a German, a US and a UK(GB) keyboard version, if you have a US keyboard then just run 'Keyb-US.bat' once (for a UK/GB keyboard run 'Keyb-UK.bat' once).

And you should look at the file 'Keys.txt' for special keyboard shortcuts.

To make full usage of the PC keyboard I had to use the 2 keys <Shift> and <Ctrl> in a special way: if you press&release one of these keys, then they act as the 71B prefix-keys [f] and [g], but when you press <Shift> in combination with another PC-key, then you just get the corresponding keyboard character.

(but I've also made <F1> and <F2> as alternatives for [f] and [g] in the usual way)

For the German keyboard even <Ctrl> or <AltGr> work for the special characters @{[]}.

If you're interested in this very comfortable way of using the HP71B emulator - you can find it here on my website:


Update: Added UK keyboard and fixed a bug in US keyboard.

And still some other good news:

I've found an official website where you can download all 3 manuals (Owner/Reference/Service) for the HP71B:


Just scroll down a few pages to "Handheld" where you can find links for all these 71B manuals.

Much fun with this fantastic HP71B emulator made by Christoph Giesselink! :-)

Edit: Since now my website server is working again, I've now also put my last HP-50g package (incl. the update) there:



Edited: 31 July 2011, 6:38 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #6

Fantastic!, thanks a million!

Post: #7

Fantastic!, thanks a million!

Well, it's nothing compared with your contributions to the HP41 world (e.g. all your interesting ROMs, etc. ...) :-)


Post: #8

I've found an official website where you can download all 3 manuals (Owner/Reference/Service) for the HP71B

All HP calculator manuals, and much more, are included in the hpmuseum DVD at a very reasonable price. I don't recall a single post where someone was disappointed after they acquired this.

Post: #9

All HP calculator manuals, and much more, are included in the hpmuseum DVD at a very reasonable price. I don't recall a single post where someone was disappointed after they acquired this.

Well, I know and you're certainly right, but on one hand I probably won't need more than 5% of its content, and on the other hand payings from Europe to USA aren't so easy (if you don't have such modern things like a credit card or a paypal account ;-))
Post: #10

Well done Franz. I love the clickable shifted keys. They significantly reduce the number of mouse clicks.



Post: #11

I love the clickable shifted keys. They significantly reduce the number of mouse clicks.

Yes, but for the 71B the mouse in fact isn't necessary at all - you can operate it completely with your PC keyboard and the usual keys.

Only operating it by voice would still be more comfortable ... ;-)

Edited: 30 July 2011, 12:32 p.m.

Post: #12

You are right. The only thing that is a bit tricky are the "(" and ")" characters. I was able to find them on the keyboard.



Post: #13

You are right. The only thing that is a bit tricky are the "(" and ")" characters. I was able to find them on the keyboard.

Aren't these on the shifted 9 and 0 keys on your US keyboard? Or do you have any other country layout?

For KeybGR they are on 8 and 9, but of course I can't make files for a few dozens of different countries. ;-)


Post: #14

BTW, since I don't have a US keyboard here, I've made this US version after a file with the layout and the scan codes of such an US keyboard.
So I hope I got everything right!?

Let me know if any key doesn't work as it should, i.e. produces any other character than usual ...

Only for the 2 keys with `~ and \| there is no mapping because the 71B doesn't have any key combination for these chars (and also not for the underscore _ )


Post: #15

I was tinkering with your US keyboard layout and made one for British keyboard. There were just several modifications necessary to get there from the US KMI file.

Here are the changes for KBD-US.KMI to make KBD-GB.KMI:

Replace Scancode 50 section with:

Scancode 50			# 2 "
SetFlag 0
IfPressed 16
Map 50 403
Map 50 312
Release 314
Map 50 312

Replace Scancode 51 section with:

Scancode 51			# 3 #
SetFlag 0
IfPressed 16
# Map 51 403
Map 51 313

Replace Scancode 221 section with:

Scancode 221			# ] }
SetFlag 0
Map 221 403
IfPressed 16
Map 221 113
Map 221 309

Replace Scancode 222 section with:

Scancode 222			# # ~
SetFlag 0
IfPressed 16
Map 222 403
Map 222 313

Replace Scancode 192 section with:

Scancode 192			# ' @
SetFlag 0
Map 192 403
IfPressed 16
Map 192 314
Map 192 111

In addition, create a new .bat file Keyb-GB.bat:

@echo off
copy KBD-GB.KMI HP-71B.KMI > nul
echo Keyboard-Layout: GB

This maps all existing characters on HP-71B keyboard to the appropriate keys on British PC-105 keyboard. All nice features of the US keyboard package are retained.

Franz, I think the best thing would be if you added these two files to your version so that it would be hosted in only one place instead of scattered all over the net. If it would be easier for you, I can email them to you so you don't have to edit the .KMI file.


Edited: 30 July 2011, 7:11 p.m.

Post: #16

I was tinkering with your US keyboard layout and made one for British keyboard.

Many thanks Vladan, very good job! :-)

I've now included also your British keyboard and uploaded a new version (same link as in the first posting) - I just named it UK instead of GB, because I think this is more usual. ;-)

And your work had still another advantage: I saw that I had forgotton one line in the US keyboard for the key "] }", so they won't work correctly in my first version - it's now also fixed in the new upload.

Thanks again,


Post: #17

Let me know if any key doesn't work as it should, i.e. produces any other character than usual ...

Well, the first bug has appeared with the US keyboard:

I forgot one command, and so the right brackets ] and } didn't work correctly.

It's fixed and also includes a UK keyboard now, so if you have a US or UK keyboard, please download the file again:



Edited: 31 July 2011, 6:51 a.m.

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