Outstanding collection of HP-01

Post: #2


I came across a web site about led watches that has a comprehensive section dedicated to HP-01's, with excellent pictures and descriptions of rare models and prototypes. I couldn't find a reference to it on hpmuseum so I thought I share this with you.

See http://www.led-forever.com/



Post: #3

Cool pictures, but brown text as a jpg image on a background with busy patterns made out of the same brown? Really? That's pretty hard to read!

Post: #4

I fully agree with you and I think the author did this in purpose in order to protect the web site content from being copied (see also all images watermarked).

Post: #5

No one will stay on that site long enough to steal any content. It looks like it has some interesting information, but I closed the page after I tried to read the first sentence, and I never plan on visiting again.

Also, by making the text into images, web crawlers will not load the site into their search engine index, making the site hard to find.

Maybe the author could read the content because he knew it by heart, but for the rest of us, the site is a painful reminder of just how poor the internet can be.

Post: #6

Wow - we all know about "Cricket", the HP-01. Great to see some examples of "Firefly", the '02. Too bad the '03 which was in planning (extended functionality, including scientific?) didn't make it.

Post: #7

Nice to see info about the HP-02. I remember seeing the HP-01 on the hand of an Iraqi HP rep (working out of Athens). I thought the 01 was way too expensive and I still do!



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