Contacting HP ...


I hadn't noticed this before, but there are now forms for sending a message to HP in general and to Carly specifically on the contact pages at the HP website. So I sent a message via each of these forms. The form used to send messages to Carly acknowledges your message and states that Carly will not necessarily read every message, but someone at HP will.

I emphasized the importance of the HP-35 in making HP a household name. I emphasized the importance of RPN, my displeasure with the abandonment of the calculator market, the fact that a professional decision maker with an HP calculator is the best advertisement possible for HP, etc.

I also emphasized the fact that no PDA, PC, or computer software would ever be a suitable substitute for a calculator and the people who use HP calculators are likely to be involved in corporate purchase decisions in many cases.

I hope that more of us take the opportunity to contact HP. With enough of a response, perhaps HP will begin to focus on us and realize that HP calculator users HAVE been among the most loyal fans of HP and its products.

I am hoping that other HP calcula



I agree. Mostly if we are concise and show them profitable possibilities. And if we are in great number.

(I'm curious about the rest of the post... Is it missing or you have finished in previous sentence?)


Hi Luiz,

I'm not entirely sure, myself, what I was planning to add. I didn't realize that I had an extra fragment until after I had posted the message. It's probably more of an editing problem on my part.


Good work Vieira
I left a message there along the same lines yesterday. There's weight in numbers. Scotty


About a month or so I e-mailed Carly Fiorina (which probably goes to someone on her staff, customer service, etc.). Here is my idea. Micron Electronics Corp. made MICRON PCs. They got very good reviews. But in the last couple of years the MICRON PC business was not doing well. Micron Electronics sold their MICRON PC business (with sales, manufacturing, and customer service intact) to Gores Technology Group. The website is Now MICRON PCs still get good reviews. I was hoping HP could sell its HP Calculator Division intact to Gores Technology Group (or another interested company). HP Calculator could then flourish under the ownership of another company.


Hi Frank,

I did get a response from Carly [or presumably the people who handle her e-mail]. The letter essentially said "Don't call us -- we'll call you if we need any more information."
Whether in any sense it was sincere or just the "bug" letter -- who knows? Of course, I know where I would place my money.

On the other hand, all I care about is whether they produce high quality RPN calculators in the future.


A bit off subject, but I finally got the last of the 3 $50 HP Printer rebates owed me since Dec and Jan. Resubmittals were 2 and 3 times to the "rebate" supplier with no response or packages returned the first time and no response the second, though they did say they were perfect over the phone in between submittals, rebate packages were perfectly prepared and all printers bought from Dell, then the last 3 months were spent working with the HP "Presidents" office making 2 more "resubmittals (always keep copies!) to get them the last of which came in Saturday June 8th. Anyone else have a problem this year? Previous years rebates were flawless. One wonders if these rebate delays and non-payments help profit figures for the first couple of quarters! I estimate I spent one of the 50$ in Phone Cost and Postage.


Oh yes, and the last two Printers I bought this spring since this experience was a Lexmark x63 and a Cannon s750, and I always *used* to pay 2X for an HP since 1996 being a formerly loyal customer who was just conditioned otherwise.


I always thought rebates were a way for a seller to move cash flow from one quarter to another. The people in stores who have expressed any opinion on the matter have assured me that the rebate is just another inducement to come in and buy something and enough people never send them in that it is not much of an expense. It seems obvious that the arcane rules are intended to discourage a person from bothering to send them in.

Speaking of arcane rules, you have magazine sweepstakes. They send out tens of millions of letters at a time. They must pay at least 5 or 10 cents postage plus the cost of the materials. So the prizes are a relatively small part of their expenses.

Whenever I'm trying to understand how sellers are making money, I remember what I read about Sears some years ago (I don't know if it is different now): 17% of their merchandise was lost to "shrinkage" which includes shoplifting, employee theft, and spoilage.


can one of you post a link to the page or pages with the message forms?


I have looked on hp's website but I could not find a link to contact Carly. I would like to leave her a message expressing the need for hp to support their long legacy in rpn calculators. Please advise me as to how to go about it


does this form works?




I sent an e-mail bemoaning HP's abandonment of their flagship calculator products, and I received a (non-automated) reply from Mr Lee-Khuan Goh, Worldwide Marketing Manager for Calculators.

Is anyone else interested in seeing a copy of the reply? I guess I ought to ask Mr Goh for his permission before I post his words to a public forum?



I would like to read the answer, or at least knows its e-mail direction.



Yes, I would also be interested in knowing where HP is going. If it is possible to post his response, I believe a number of us would like to read it.


Yeah- I'd love to read the reply.

I've been crafting a large and long letter with plenty of examples and data (like amazon ratings for the 32sii and such) and should probably know if it's worth bothering to send it.

If the 20s- which may or may not be discontinued- is the one last programmable calculator, I'm going to be really sad. sadder when it goes away, too.



Asked him to OK posting his words here. Will do so if I get the say so.


Well, red face here!

My reply e-mail was from *Ms* Goh Lee-Khuan not Mr Lee-Khuan Goh!!

She has asked me not to post her reply here. For your information, my original e-mail to Ms Fiorina is shown below. I hope Ms Lee-Khuan won't mind if I say that her reply made me feel optimistic about the future.

Dear Ms Fiorina,

I am a 37 year old IT company director. My comparatively recent introduction to HP was at the age of 25 with the HP-48SX calculator. Every subsequent HP purchase (and there have been many, both personal and corporate) has been as a result of that first, happy experience.

I would say that the benefit to HP of the calculator division must outweigh many times over its bottom line value. Yet I see indications that HP has decided to abandon this world-class range of products.

If this is the case, I shall mourn their passing and I am sure I will nor be alone. They are (were?) a shining beacon to the excellence of Hewlett Packard.


I hope Ms Lee-Khuan won't mind if I say that her reply made me feel optimistic about the future.

Perhaps a summary of her reply would be acceptable?


Yes, even if you cannot provide a verbatim post, I'm sure most of us waould want to have a clue, tease, whatever, as to what the future holds ....


It was a short e-mail and realistically could not be abridged. I feel obliged to respect her wishes not to post her reply (and, by inference, its import). Sorry :-(

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