Some minimal information about roms in the upcoming 41CL library...

Post: #2

41CL Manual

The HP 41CL is nearing completion! Yay! On pages 18-21 of the 41CL manual, linked to above, are the ROMs that Monte has included on the 41CL flash, which again is another YAY.

However, even I have some questions on some of these ROMs as to what they even are, much less what functions are on them or even how large they are. I mean, what is the Advantage Applications rom and how would I find out? :-)

So... I'm hoping that collectively we can help put together some sort of minimal documentation on as many of these roms as we can.

Perhaps, something like this:

Link to list of functions/programs: Http://....
(and yes, I know some of those links will be to TOS).

I will be glad to coordinate information if sent to me. I plan to make a presentation on using the 41CL at HHC 2011 and this would help people see this as more user friendly.


Post: #3

Perhaps the HP-41 Module Database might be a place to host this information. I put together this page with the help of Matthias' module list.

Some time ago I started to collect information about HP-41 modules but didn't progress due to many other projects. However, search for the 'CCD A' module and click on the name, then you see how it may look like.

Post: #4

Great. Can I get that table in a .csv (or excel) format?

But it shows part of the problem. One of the first modules listed is the advantage applications rom. What is that? :-)

If I can get the table referenced into Excel, I can add a column for links to documentation (if any).

Post: #5

The module list is available on TOS as PDF document. It needs some cut&paste operations to get it into Excel. Well, it might be quite difficult to get information about not-so-common (or in eBay slang: EXTREMLY RARE) modules.

Post: #6

the advantage applications rom. What is that? :-)

JF-Garnier put that one thogether. It's a ROM version of the Advantage applications published on the Grapevine booklets, a nice job indeed. It has the three sections you'd expect: EE, Binary, Statics.

WRT the ROM inventory, I kept an Excel sheet for a while including many of the modules. I stopped updating it a long time ago, I think I sent it to Jürgen too. It goes to the function level, so you have a list of functions per module, per XROM, per type, etc... Will send it to you tomight.


Post: #7

So, what documentation (apart from finding the Grapevine book for the Advantage rom) exists for the Advantage applications rom?

What documentation exists for a lot of these? :-)

This will be a work in process. Link below will be to the current version of this document, which I will attempt to update.

FEEL FREE to download the document and add information. :-)

I hope you can see what I'm trying to do with this...

Excel version of HP 41 module list with 41CL notes and documentation links

Post: #8

Some of the images aren't even documented on TOS...

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