I just received my flashing cable today (thanks again Gene!) and of course I couldn't wait to flash my 30b.
Now, I had an old laptop lying around, and I thought it had WinXP installed - so I went to boot it, and was deeply disappointed to find out it had Win98 instead. So I can't use that.
On my "modern" computers, I don't even have Windows at all - only Linux, in all of them.
So this is what I've got: a modern computer with a recent Linux install, with no Windows and NO hardware serial port. So, it looks like this is the worst possible combination...
But in Linux, I have Virtualbox installed, and a virtual WinXP running under it. And I have a USB-to-serial converter. So I thought, what the heck, I will try anyway. I installed Sam-ba v2.10, I plugged the USB-to-Serial converter, set the correct board type and COM2 as the port... and it worked on first try!! I'm so happy! :) It looks like the setup is less critical than expected... at least with my combination of components.
I have one question though... I followed the instructions on the file "Flashing a 20b calculator.pdf", and they worked; but at last, it says to enter the test screen to check the checksum, by using the On+PMT combination. If I press On+PMT on the new wp34s, it says "Debug ON" but then I can't find the checksum, nor I know how to turn debug off... I searched on the 34s manual but couldn't find anything regarding checksums or debug modes...
So: has the key combination changed? How do I enter test screen now?