Wp34s - my flashing experience

Post: #7

I just received my flashing cable today (thanks again Gene!) and of course I couldn't wait to flash my 30b.
Now, I had an old laptop lying around, and I thought it had WinXP installed - so I went to boot it, and was deeply disappointed to find out it had Win98 instead. So I can't use that.
On my "modern" computers, I don't even have Windows at all - only Linux, in all of them.
So this is what I've got: a modern computer with a recent Linux install, with no Windows and NO hardware serial port. So, it looks like this is the worst possible combination...
But in Linux, I have Virtualbox installed, and a virtual WinXP running under it. And I have a USB-to-serial converter. So I thought, what the heck, I will try anyway. I installed Sam-ba v2.10, I plugged the USB-to-Serial converter, set the correct board type and COM2 as the port... and it worked on first try!! I'm so happy! :) It looks like the setup is less critical than expected... at least with my combination of components.

I have one question though... I followed the instructions on the file "Flashing a 20b calculator.pdf", and they worked; but at last, it says to enter the test screen to check the checksum, by using the On+PMT combination. If I press On+PMT on the new wp34s, it says "Debug ON" but then I can't find the checksum, nor I know how to turn debug off... I searched on the 34s manual but couldn't find anything regarding checksums or debug modes...
So: has the key combination changed? How do I enter test screen now?


Post: #8

Debug mode just disables all power saving, allowing hardware debugging on the device. The firmware info you're after is in the X.FCN catalogue under the VERS command.

Turning Debug mode off is as easy as turning it on. :-)

Post: #9

D'oh... I really don't know how I missed how to turn debug mode off! I suppose I was too excited to think rationally! :)

But concerning the VERS command: I know about that, but - unless I'm missing something obvious again - it only shows the firmware revision, not the checksum... The checksum is supposed to have an integer and a decimal part, and if they match you know the firmware was flashed correctly...


Post: #10

We do not support a flash checksum. If the program runs, you can assume the process was successful.

Post: #11

I had followed the document linked in the wp34 manual, thinking it had been written *for* the wp34, but only now I realized it was written for who wants to upgrade the 20b with a newer firmware, but still keeping it a 20b! :) Of course the flashing procedure is the same, but that's why I expected a test screen while there is none.
Sorry for talking nonsense! :)


Post: #12

If anyone is interested in getting the source for the MySamba program, send me an email. It is written in Delphi, but could save you some time in needing to monitor the Atmel Samba program if you want to make your own (or a Delphi wizard may just take it and run with it).

If there is interest, I will work on making sure there is no issue with releasing it and get it to you if possible.


Edited: 24 May 2011, 1:19 p.m.

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