Voyager Series


Can anyone tell me what year the changeover started to happen in the internal designs (1-2 pc boards)


I can only say for sure that it changed between 2337A and 2419A!

But I can not narrow it further down.

My investigations so far are like this:

LCDType     PCB             confirmed Ser-Nr

LCDsepBoard tin/silver two separate 2326A,2337A

LCDfullMuPx spring/gold onePCB 2419A,2438A,2439A,2509A,2521A,2538A,2623B,2626A

LCDhalfMuPx spring/gold onePCB 3437S,3521S

The LCD changed to half as much Multiplex (MuPx) connections somewhere after 2626A and before 3437S.

These numbers are from my samples (which I can verify).

Most probably it depends on the manufacturing location and isn't consistent for different locations.

Hope that this fragment adds to the truth out there ;-)


Thank You!

Well the HP-10C that I just bought is 2305A, so my guess is it is 2 pc (have not received yet). That's good as it has a dent in the bezel. Hopefully I can straighten out easier than the 2 pc design.

Edited: 5 May 2011, 10:18 p.m.


I doubt you can narrow it any further as it varies among the the different models. The overall range for the family is somewhere between 3rd Q 83 to 2nd Q 84 which is reflected in exschr's data.

FWIW, I have never seen a one board 10C and I do not believe they where ever built. Supporting this theory is the museum listed Introduction-Discontinuation of 1982-1984. So, it would stand to reason it was discontinued during the design change-over to the single board.

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