Post: #33

Firstly, let me thank you both for your work on this project! Also for Cyrille, Tim and HP for providing the platform.

It is late here, and I should be working on the book, but I had to see what the hoopla was all about and, well, I am astounded.

Been flashing and playing and programming today, (pouring with rain) and I have a few questions:

1: when I select the function version I get 34s 1.17 673.  This
appears to be the latest, what does the 673 stand for?

2: in program mode I cannot get HMS to appear in the program.
Decimal does as well as a multitude of other functions, but HMS
will not work in program mode as an instruction. In fact it
does not even appear in the step. It does work in run mode. however.

Again, thanks! for more programming fun!!!!

Cheers, Geoff

Edited: 26 Apr 2011, 3:20 a.m.

Post: #34

1 when I select the function version I get 34s 1.17 673. This appears to be the latest, what does the 673 stand for?

That is the subversion revision number. Larger is later & hopefully better. Currently we're at 754 although the functionality hasn't changed much quite a few bugs have been fixed.

Ideally, we'll remove this revision number once we're ready to release a final version.

2 in program mode I cannot get HMS to appear in the program. Decimal does as well as a multitude of other functions, but HMS will not work in program mode as an instruction.

HMS is a display mode and doesn't work in program mode. We recently removed HMS as a fully fledged mode because it just wasn't working out properly.


Again, thanks! for more programming fun!!!!

Be the first to submit a program to the extra functions thread...

I refuse to believe there is only one person here capable of making a worthy keystroke program :-(

- Pauli

Post: #35

That is the subversion revision number. Larger is later & hopefully better. Currently we're at 754 although the functionality hasn't changed much quite a few bugs have been fixed.

Not a complaint but I have noticed that most of the subversion calc.bin files do not show a version number for the VERS command. It would be very helpful to have this in for every image with more and more ppl flashing real hardware and testing.

Currently I'm bungling around with alpha prompts in Programs in 754. Occasionally I get the Bye... in the top alpha display area when leaving program mode and not when the calc is turned off. So far I don't have a reproduceable keystroke sequence as I'm still gettin used to getting into and out of alpha mode and writing down all my steps.

Post: #36

Early versions of the firmware didn't have the release number. Later versions do. We're not going to go back and retrofit this to those.

What we might do is remove the version on the final version of a given number. Then again we might not.

- Pauli

Post: #37

I downloaded 754 and flashed this morning. My VERS does not show 754. Only a blank where it should be. I'm on 30b hardware.

Post: #38

Getting the calc.bin file with SVN web access instead of an SVN client does not download the revision number. That's an SVN problem and cannot be changed by us.

Post: #39

...I have noticed that most of the subversion calc.bin files do not show a version number for the VERS command.

Whenever I download a new version, I append the version number to the saved file name, e.g. calc754.bin. Then I open it with a hex editor and add the version number in the appropriate locations (1FFFB, 1FFFC and 1FFFD). Me poking around the bin file is akin to letting a monkey poke around the cockpit of a in-flight airplane, but so far I don't seem to have done any damage. For editing, I use a program called XVI32 which I found by searching the internet for "hex editor". The above process seems to work as the VERS command shows the version after I make the change.


Post: #40

Jeff, get a proper SVN client and no poking is necessary.

Post: #41

I am using TortoiseSVN on WinXP. It is quite good actually. Once you have downloaded and unpacked the zip file for the WP34S from SourceForge, you can simply right-click and hit 'update' on the folder where WP34S resides on your drive. It updates the calc.bin, emulators, artwork, manuals, etc to the latest and greatest. No need to fumble through the Sourceforge site anymore!

I make it easy - I have the WP34S folder as a shortcut on my desktop, and simply right click and update the SVN from there.

Edited: 26 Apr 2011, 9:55 a.m.

Post: #42

Based on my experience so far, I can recommend Tortoise SVN for Windows 7 as well.


Edited: 26 Apr 2011, 10:57 a.m.

Post: #43

I'm not getting the Update Option when I right click the wp34s directory? Did you have to somehow tell TortoiseSVN that the directory is associated with the project?



Post: #44

Here are some detailed instructions. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory that you want the 'wp34s' directory to appear:

1. right click on an empty space within the directory 
2. you will see 'SVN Checkout'
3. Click on that
4. In the URL field, enter: https://wp34s.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/wp34s
5. hit 'OK'
6. wait for the files to download
7. you should then have a directory named 'wp34s', with a green mark in the folder.
8. Now try the right-click and update SVN.

Edited: 27 Apr 2011, 9:45 p.m.

Post: #45

Thank you.

Excellent instructions.

Post: #46

That's awesome! Thanks, svisvanatha.

Post: #47

It is late here, and I should be working on the book, but I had to see what the hoopla was all about and, well, I am astounded.

Thanks for the voice of support, comments like this make it all worthwhile. We've been designing & implementing the calculator we want to use. If it ends up being a worthy successor to many of the classic HP models, all the better.

Also, don't delay the book on our behalf. Many are waiting for it..... :-)

- Pauli

PS: bug reports are also very useful at the moment.

Post: #48

I think we will have to reintroduce HMS as a mode or even better as a tag, be it for the sake of Geoff and his flight schedules. :-)

Post: #49

Or a HMS view command :-)

HMS as a mode just didn't work. We're not going back there.

HMS as a tag comes after we've tagged integer and alpha.

- Pauli

Post: #50

I've a new idea for saving some precious ram. :-) This will not be enough for all tag bits we'll need, but at least for some, I hope. We can probably restrict tagging to a subset of all registers.

Post: #51


Thanks for your kind words :-)

The basic idea behind HMS mode was having an easy way for displaying, adding and subtracting times. However, as Pauli mentioned already, it didn't work the way we wanted it. So the only remnants of this mode are H.MS and [alpha]TIME displaying the time the way we planned.

Now, if you want to add or subtract times entered in the format hh.mmss, the functions H.MS+ and H.MS- are available in P.FCN. For keyboard use, assign them to one or two hotkeys and you're done - alternatively, use ->H.d, add/subtract and reconvert the result via ->H.MS. That's it so far.

We are all waiting for your book to appear, so please come on.


Edited: 26 Apr 2011, 8:13 a.m.

Post: #52

I remember talking with Hugh Steers when he flashed the new software into my U-watch. HMS algorthim was problematical.

Of course I could always write a subroutine to create an hours, minutes seconds display with fix4 and round function but it does eat up the lack of programming lines.

I use the HMS to flip a decimal 'time' after a calculation into the HMS display with refernce to Latitude and Longitude calculations. No big deal to hit the HMS key once the calculation has run (IN A TENTH OF A SECOND! compared to 30 seconds on the HP 15C), but it would be convenient.

Like to second Jake's comment (posting above) about removing the time function since it does not keep time accurately. How about the HMS algorithim instead ;-)

Keep up the good work, (this is more fun then writing; focus, focus).

Cheers, Geoff

Post: #53

HMS algorthim was problematical.

Yeah, it was lots of fun to get correct. The 34s isn't quite there BTW, who'll be the first to find the known problem I wonder :-)

It sounds like you want a HMS-VIEW command or making HMS programmable. I think something can be done here.

Keep up the good work, (this is more fun then writing; focus, focus).

So if we stop, you'll start???

- Pauli

Post: #54

So if we stop, you'll start???

Ha ha! Keep going and we will see you in San Diego! Yes, HMS programmable just as DECIMAL is. That would be great.

Cheers, Geoff '-)

Post: #55

Ha ha! Keep going and we will see you in San Diego!

Not likely. Flying half way around the world is a bit expensive.

- Pauli

Post: #56

We've opened the SF site to donations. :-)

Three tickets would be great! Or Geoff on a private trip to pick us all up. :-))

Post: #57

We've opened the SF site to donations. :-)

We haven't :-) They got opened for a few minutes while I played around with the various settings. Then they were turned off again.

- Pauli

Post: #58

Hey, a few minutes won't do for three tickets ;-)

Post: #59

A quick check of Travelocity indicates that round-trip flights from Stuttgart or Frankfurt to San Diego would be approximately $1060. Not cheap, but not outrageous. Unfortunately, a round-trip flight from Brisbane to San Diego is about $2350. So, total approximately $4500 to get you three to San Diego for HHC 2011.


Post: #60


Thanks for checking, but IMHO your message ends a bit early ;-)


Post: #61

Well, I'd likely pony up a few dollars (or Euros or AUD) to help get you guys there, but it would take a lot of others to meet the need.

Post: #62

Please turn on "donations" again....let us help out.


Post: #63

If one of us is interested in going to the conference or requires some fund for something specific (and at the moment, it is really only Marcus who has spent a lot on this) then I'll turn donations on. I don't want to accept donations for no purpose.

- Pauli

Post: #64

Donations might help to:

cover travel expenses,

cover initial costs on manufacturing,

recover costs for tools already payed for,

buy us a beer.

So they aren't useless.

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