SpeedUI 11.02 released

Post: #3

Hello all,

the new version 11.03 includes a minor display bug fix, and switches from the original VV GROB viewer

to the fast GROB scroller from Java. This saves nearly half a kilobyte;-)

Please see SpeedUI.pdf for details on how to invoke and use the fast GROB scroller.

Additionally, the documentation is in a process of getting streamlined, and moving from txt to PDF.

The new version is available here:

Walkthrough PDF

SpeedUI 11.03 zip archive

but _not_ on www.hpcalc.org (since the site has not been updated for 3 months now)

Have fun:-)


[Edit: Link and text updated to 11.03]

Edited: 21 Feb 2011, 5:14 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #4

Hi Raymond!

Thanks for your continued contribution to the HP-48G/GX software inventory. I actually have a question concerning the update from release 11.01 to 11.02. I've read the available documentation but I wasn't able to retrieve an answer from it.

I use a HP-48GX with SpeedUI 11.01 installed. I have all of the 11.01 libraries installed except the Input Form Builder.

My question is:
Which specific libraries do I have to replace on my HP-48 and what would be the sequence to do it?

Thanks for your help in advance and best regrards,

Post: #5

Hi Timo,

generally I'd suggest to update all libraries to the newest revision.

However, I have just uploaded the SpeedUI 11.03 archive.

In this case only the files CF.LIB and UI.LIB have been changed, so these are the mandatory files to update.

I strongly suggest this important update, since the old 11.01 and first batch 11.02 contained a serious bug, which is fixed in 11.03 .


I have added a StartHere.pdf to the archive, which also contains an uninstallation paragraph.

Best Regards


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