I know this topic has been covered on this Forum in years past, but I thought it might be useful to see if there are any newer perspectives.
I have several Pioneers in regular use, so I have to feed them fairly often. Does anyone have any data (as opposed to opinion) on the practical cost comparison (that is, in use) of silver vs. alkaline?
It looks like silver costs about 2.3X alkaline.
I mainly use 17b, 20s, 22s, 27s, 32sii. Occasionally 21s or 42s. Most get turned on and used for a few minutes at a time several times a day, except the 20s which stays in my truck and gets used for a few seconds perhaps once a week. The rest of the time it just bakes (SW Florida). And the 42s which mostly sits in the drawer (until I start programming it). About half the time I turn them off, about half the time they turn themselves off with the timer.
Curious, I checked various manuals I have. The 27s manual refers to either mercury(!) or alkaline. 32sii and 21s manual say use any brand of LR44 (alkaline). 42s manual is silent on cell type.
So the question is, even though I know silver lasts longer, are they cheaper in net cost, or alkaline?