Estate sale calculators

Post: #8

I see that someone is selling calculators from a lot of 40 they bought at an estate sale. Thoughts: 1. Did we lose one of our community's collectors? 2. Make sure to tell family not to sell all of our calculators at once at an estate sale!

Post: #9

I don't know about you, but I'm taking my calculators with me. I've got "my people" working on a pyramid in my back yard as I write this :)

Post: #10

Now, is that the best of each model, or does it include all the duplicates? Do HP's break in the after-life?

Post: #11

Now we'll hear tales of 15c batteries lasting 2,000 years!

Post: #12

I'm counting on pyramid power to preserve both the calculators and the batteries. So I don't really need the duplicates ...... well, .... maybe just a few.

Edited: 30 Aug 2010, 11:17 p.m.

Post: #13

Not sure how secure a Pyramid is. Pharaoh Ramses II had his beautiful collection of HP-67, HP-41, and HP-15C (here HP stands for Holy Pharaoh) ALL stolen by grave robbers (actually was my greet great great .... great great uncle Ali Baba and his 40 thieves)!!!



Post: #14

AFAIK, that theft was only possible due to the fact that twice the base length divided by the height of this pyramid deviates from pi by 4E-4 after the plaster cover was washed down in the great Egyptian flooding of 1123 B.C. <<8-)>

So thereafter, pyramid power broke down to minimum, i.e. ppm.

Edited: 31 Aug 2010, 6:07 a.m.

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