Stupid question re HP-41 Sigma key...

Post: #2

Having only recently re-entered the world of the HP-41CX, I also acquired a Math/Stat module. In the module's stats manual, it refers to executing specific functions using a sequence of keystrokes, such as XEQ [Alpha]‡”STAT[Alpha]. I get everything with the exception of the summation character itself. How do I enter the ‡” symbol from the keyboard, or combination of keystrokes?

Post: #3


if you are referring to the Greek letter SIGMA (cannot add it with current character set) it is available with [shift][F] while in ALPHA mode. In PRGM or RUN mode, [shift][F] performs [CLSIGMA] (clears statistical registers contents). Look at the back of your HP41, right below the battery compartment, and you'll see a drawing of the keyboard in ALPHA mode. You´ll find these symbols there.

BTW, there is no such thing as a stupid question once you do not know the answer...


Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 19 July 2010, 11:23 a.m.

Post: #4

First, allow me to express my sincere appreciation for such a quick and kind response to a rather simple (to answer) question. I am constantly amazed at the collegiality and expertise shown in this forum. The Greek letter Sigma is exactly what I was searching for.

In my defense, I haven't even seen an HP-41 since my days using it constantly through 1993--some 17 years ago. However, that hardly explains my inability to see the answer right on the back of the machine! I imagine this is what makes IT support personnel crazy--when the answers to the questions are right in front of the inquirers! Thanks again.

Edited: 19 July 2010, 1:23 p.m.

Post: #5

First, allow me to express my sincere appreciation for such a quick and kind response to a rather simple (to answer) question. I am constantly amazed at the collegiality and expertise shown in this forum.
Luiz is one of the friendliest and helpful people here. ;)

Post: #6

I cannot find words to express my thankfulness. I appreciate. I just do what I think that must be spontaneously done to honor my place here, amongst you all.

Best regards.

Luiz (Brazil)

Post: #7

Luiz is one of the friendliest and helpful people here. ;)

I think you'll find that he is joint first with about 20 other people. :-)

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