Interesting HP-32E with comma for decimal point

Post: #4

The HP-32E in this auction uses a comma (,) for the decimal (radix) point and a period (.) as the thousands separator. Note that the serial number on the back of the case has an asterisk (*) as a prefix to indicate this convention. I have converted one of my Spice units to this convention by cutting a jumper on the power circuitry board inside the calculator.

See here

Post: #5

I have one like that given to me from Brazil (made in Singapore though). Probably made for the likes of continental Europe (UK uses period for decimal like the US).

Post: #6


actually the comma for decimals and period for thousands applies to Brazilian standard, too. I also have a Woodstock with a LED display that happens to use comma instead of period. I´ll post pictures later (have to find the LED display, first...)


Luiz (Brazil)

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