Presently in order from fastest to slowest.
I'd like to get a list of speeds for a much simpler program, that ONLY goes after one thing: a loop of additions.
LBL 01
GTO 01
where the stack contains 0 1 1 1 on 4 level machines. In other words, start with 0 and do repeated additions of 1 for 60 seconds. What is the result? I know Xerxes' test checks many other things, but how do they stack up with this?
Please post:The machine used
Your count after 60 seconds
Your program code.=============================================
HP-12C+, Scott’s custom integer firmware, overclocked to 48.75 MHz
Count: 261,602,459
Code: UnspecifiedHP-12C+, Scott’s custom firmware
Count: 10,794,647
Do { ++x; } while ((((*(unsigned long int*)PIOC_PDSR) & c_mask)==c_mask));HP 30b with TSTSYS ON
Count: 222,578
Code: LBL 00 + GOTO 00
(as first program in memory)FX-9860G SD Fast Mode
Count: 206,250
Code: 0->A : Lbl 0 : A+1->A : Goto 0HP 50g (SysRPL bint)
Count: 124,445
Count: 97,950
Code: 0->A : Lbl 0 : A+1->A : Goto 0HP 12c+
Count: 78,640
Code: + GTO 01HP 30b
Count: 72,517
Code: LBL 00 + GOTO 00
(as first program in memory)HP 9825 B
Count: 59,568
Code: 0->A; "start"; A+1->A; gto "start"; endCasio fx-9860G Slim
Count: 55,924
Code: 0->A Lbl 0 A+1->A Goto 0HP 50g (SysRPL floating point)
Count: 56,994
Code: !NO CODE !RPL :: BEGIN %1+ GETTOUCH UNTIL DROP ; @HP-9100A SERIAL NUMBER 816-01071 (1971?)
Count: 49,391
Code: +, GO TO 00HP 9815S
Count: 47,592
Code: 000 + 001 GOTO 000HP-9100B
Count: 47,394
Code: +, GO TO, 0, 0HP-71B Forth Xerxes:
COUNT: 46,575
Count: 31,156
Code; LBL, A, 1, +, GTO AHP 48Gii Exact mode (old version)
Count: 28,160
Code: 1. << DO 1. + UNTIL 0. END >> EVALHP 48gII
Count: 26,439 // Approx Mode
Code: << WHILE 1 REPEAT 1. + END >>HP 85
Count: 23,605
Code: 10 Let A=0; 20 Let A=A+1; 30 goto 20; 40 ENDHP-75C (1982)
Count: 21,717
10 A=0
20 A=A+1 @ GOTO 20
30 ENDHP 9810A
Count: 15,355
Code LBL, 1, +, GTO, 1TI-84 Silver Edition
Count: 13,838
Program: Lbl 1:A+1->A: Goto 1HP 48GX
Count: 11,636
Code: << WHILE 1 REPEAT 1 + END >>Psion Organiser II CM (1997)
Count: 10,949
Count: 10,726
Code: << WHILE 1 REPEAT 1 + END >>HP 33s
Count: 10,097
Code: LBL A + GTO ATI-89 Titanium
Count: 9,339
Program: aa():Prgm:Lbl b:a+1->a:Goto 1: EndPrgmTI-83
Count: 8,106
Code: LBL B, A+1>>A, goto BHP-48SX
Count: 7,352
Code: UnknownFX-603P
Count: 7,240
Code: AC 1 + + LBL 0 = GOTO 0HP-42s FAST MODE S/N 2849A with goose disabled
Count: 6,485
Code: CLLCD LBL 01 + GTO 01HP-32s
Count: 5,973
Code: LBL A + GTO ATI-92
Count: 5,686
Code: 0->a Lbl aa a+1->a Goto aaHP-28S
Count: 5,677
Code: HOME 1 << WHILE 1 REPEAT 1 + END >> EVALHP 50G (normal speed)
Count: 5,510
Code: << 1 + A >> stored in A, start with 1 on stack line 1:HP 35s
Count: 5,504
Code: B001 LBL B B002 STO+ Z B003 GTO B002, with Z initialized to 0PC-1247
Count: 5180
Code: 1:A=A+1:GOTO1HP 20S
Count: 4,837
Code: LBL A, +, GTO AHP-32sii
Count: 4,715
Code: LBL A, +, GTO AHP-42s FAST MODE S/N 2849A
Count: 4,419
Code: LBL 01 + GTO 01HP-71B
Count: 4,320
Code:10 DESTROY A @ A=0
20 ON TIMER #1,60 GOTO 40
30 A=A+1 @ GOTO 30
40 DISP AHP 48gii (Original 3 batteries, NO USB)
Count: 4,296
Code: << TICKS 8192 60 * + << -> t << DO 1. + UNTIL TICKS t >= END >> >> EVAL >>HP-20S
Count: 4,170
Code: UnknownHP 35s
Count: 3,652
Code: LBL B, +, GTO B001TI-86
Count: 3612
Code: Lbl B:1+A->A:Goto BHP 39gs
Count: 3607
Code: 1->A: DO A+1->A UNTIL A<=0 END:Aurora 12c clone
Count: 3,554
Code: +, GTO 01TI-95
Count: 3,350 counts
Code: 1 + GTO 0000Radio Shack PC-2
Count: 3,317
Code: 1: A=A+1 2: GOTO 1 ; start with 0 stored in A.HP 48gii (Original 3 batteries, NO USB)
Count: 3,088
Code: << WHILE 1 REPEAT 1. + END >>HP-42S with "goose" disabled
Count: 3,067
Code: CLLCD, LBL 00 + GTO 00HP 48gii Exact mode (Original 3 batteries, NO USB)
Count: 3,036
Code: << WHILE 1 REPEAT 1 + END >>HP-42S
Count: 2,115
Code: LBL 00 + GTO 00HP-41CY Turbo
Count: 1,982
Code: LBL 00, +, GTO 00HP 9G
Count: 1,470
Code: A=0; Lbl 0=; A=A+1; GOTO 0; ENDHP 12c plat 25th anniv.
Count: 1,435
Code: +, Goto 001HP 12c platinum
Count: 1,386
Code: + GTO 001HP41CX Synthetic:
Count: 1,298 (Same HP41CX: Count 1075, code: LBL 01 + GTO 01, so +20%)
01 LBL "X" Just the label
02 1
03 "SeeRemark" !!! Synthetic string 9 long Decimal 249 96 7 117 131 131 131 64 178 176
this places 96 7 in N to be transferred in reg b, resulting in program counter in reg M, byte 6
In reg M synthetic code results in:
The GTO 01 is a COMPILED GTO jumping to the + before it!
You can SST this code but the GTO 01 takes a long time to reposition!
Yes, this can be optimized still a bit, but the loop is using 3 bytes!
04 0
05 X<> N
08 STO b
09 END
wait until beep, 000000,06 is displayed
press [R/S] to start counting
press [R/S] after 60 seconds, write down the count
perform a GTO .. !!! because the program pointer is in reg M, switching to program mode and TOUCHING A KEY results in MEMORY LOST!CASIO PB-700
Count: 1282
Code: 1: A=A+1 2: GOTO 1 ; start with 0 stored in A.Sharp PC-1251
Count: 1,277
Code: 1: A=A+1 2: GOTO 1 ; start with 0 stored in A.HP 41c
Count: 1,063
Code: LBL 01 + GTO 01HP-65
Count: 578
Code: Lbl 1, +, Goto 1HP-10C
Count: 514
Code: LBL 0 + GTO 0HP-25
Count: 512
Code: 01 + 02 GTO 01HP 12c original (mfg. 1985)
Count: 500
Code: +; GTO 01HP 25
Count: 483
Code: + GTO 01TI SR-56
Count: 461
Code: + 1 = RSTTI SR-52
Count: 425
Code: + 1 = RSTHP-38C
Count: 387
Code: + GTO 01TI 58C
Count: 387
Code: + 1 = RSTHP-29C
Count: 361
Code: LBL 0; +; GOTO 0SHARP PC-1211
Count: 358
Code 1:Z=Z+1:GOTO 1 (starting with Z=0)HP 11c
Count: 353
Code: Lbl 1, +, Goto 1HP-33c (mfg. 1982)
Count: 319
Code: 01 + 02 GTO 01HP 55
Count: 312
Code: + GTO 01HP-19c
Count: 301
Code: LBL 1 + GTO 1HP 15c (mfg. 1983)
Count: 297
Code: LBL A; +; GTO AHP 16c: 293 (float 4)
Count: 293
Code: LBL A + GTO AHP 34c: (I program) with -1 stored in I
Count: 277
Code: LBL A + GTO f IHP 34c (mfg. 1981)
Count: 269
Code: LBL A; +; GTO ATI-55
Count: 267
Code: + 1 RSTHP 34c:
Count: 259
Code: LBL A + GTO AHP 16c
Count: 245
Code: Lbl 1, +, Goto 1HP 16c: 230 (decimal, wsize 16, 2-complement)
Count: 230
Code: LBL A + GTO AHP 67
Count: 226
Code: LBL 1 + GTO 1HP-97
Count: 223
Code: LBL1; +; GOTO 1Texas Instrument TI-57LCD
Count: 216
Code: LBL_01 1 + GTO_01TI-66
Count: 210
Code: + 1 = RSTTI-65
Count: 205
Code: 1 + RSTTexas Instrument TI-57LCD
Count: 195
Code: 1 + RSTTI-55
Count: 189
Code: + 1 = RSTTI BA 55
Count: 139
Code: + 1 = RSTHuman hand Tapping + key
Count: 133Elektronika MK-61
Count: 106
Code: + GSB 00TI-62
Count: 100
Code: 1 + RST
Edited: 30 May 2010, 6:27 p.m. after one or more responses were posted