10bII, 12c, 12cp, 17b2+ ... these are the ones I see...Poll...how about you?

Post: #25

Hewlett Packard's financial calculator for sale web page


Click on the above which takes you to HP's own financial calculator webpage, and see which models you see shown for sale.

I see only 4 models.

What do the rest of you see?


Post: #26

I see the above plus the 20b and 30b.


Post: #27

Ok, strange. I don't see the 20b/30b at all.

However, it doesn't matter. The 30b is now available for sale at HP's website.

HP 30b sale page

Post: #28

The 30b seems to come and go. I wish HP would give an explanation for this.

Post: #29

It seems that in Switzerland it will be available in July. Pricing is CHF 119.- which is $100. Twice as expensive! :-(

Post: #30

I see the same as DavidShenk.

What browser are you using? I'm using Firefox 3.5.2

Post: #31

Hi Gene,

From France, I see all 6 of them.

However, I don't see the Hp-80 or anything close...so won't buy.



Post: #32

I see 6 models
30b and 20b

I'm from Australia if it's somehow detecting a location.


Post: #33

"I see 4 lights"


Post: #34

katie; for a second there, i thought i saw five.

Post: #35

I see 6 models and I am down the street. Why the variation?

Post: #36

On h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF04a/215348-215348-64232-20036-215349.html

I see all 6 of them.

Opera 10.53 Build 3374, JS on, Redirection on, Author Mode on (HP's stylesheet)

German provider 1&1, OpenDNS

BUT: No calculators on the Germany HP page - what the hell ?!?

Private User: http://h41257.www4.hp.com/cda/hho/display/main/hho_home.jsp?zn=hho&cp=1247_4033_5

SMB User: http://h41320.www4.hp.com/cda/hpsmb/display/main/smb_home.jsp?zn=hpsmb&cp=1_4000_5

Still(?) one exception:

ONLY Enterprise User: http://www.hp.com/sbso/busproducts_handhelds.html?topiccode=NO_FLASH

Edited: 27 May 2010, 8:00 p.m.

Post: #37

Hi Gene,

From Italy, I see all 6 of them.

Best regards


Post: #38

I see 10bII, 20b, 30b, 12C, 12C Platinum, 17bII+

For what it's worth, I'm located in New Jersey and viewing the page with Firefox.

Post: #39

I can see all six (in the US, using Firefox); however, I still cannot click on the 'Purchase' button and get a shopping cart session. Instead, I get a web page saying the item can't be found. I would have purchased it too...


Post: #40

Sancerre, try clicking on the 2nd Purchase button below the description, not the one at the top.

Thanks all. Today, I see all 6 while I didn't yesterday.

Post: #41


All six from here.

Luiz (Brazil)

P.S. - I'm curious: who wrote the only one existing HP30B review? Someone from here?

Post: #42

Who do you think it was? me? ;-)

Post: #43

Busted! 8^D

Post: #44

To all:

Logging-in from USA, get "purchase/checkout" page for 30 series financial, then "Available for pre-order" box in corner.

Delivery time and availability unknown.

Maybe they are going to drop the 30-series and try to combine 35S and 12C in an "Hp-80 Plus" or "Hp-27 Plus" (remember the HP-27 scientific/financial ??).

Anyway, today's HP calc division never ceases to amaze and puzzle.


PS: Fully stocked up on several vintage HP.45's and 80's converted to AAA lithium power, along with a spare-parts supply -- Me no worry :)

Post: #45

I see all six in Safari on my iPad. Guess I'll finally get the 30b.

What functions make the 17bII+ cost twice as much? I have one (ok, two), and I can't think of what it is. Well, nothing I consider useful, anyway.

Post: #46

What functions make the 17bII+ cost twice as much?

That's a good question. I wouldn't expect the 17bii+ to remain at that price necessarily. The solver on the 17bii+ is somewhat easier to use than on the 30b, and has more features; the 30b requires you to write a small program to use the solve function.

Post: #47


I think that the solver on the 17bii+ is vastly better than the one on the 30b. The 17bii+ also has multiple user-defined cash-flow and stat lists and with the much larger memory can hold many times the number of entries than the 30b lists. The 17bii+ also has a RTC with alarms. I think that the soft-key menus on the 17bii+ make it a lot faster and easier to use as well. It also has "real" RPN as far as stack lift is concerned.

OTOH, The 30b offers some scientific functions, programming, more financial calculations, much greater speed and hack-ability.

Overall, I think a substantially higher price on the 17bii+ is justified.

A related question might be why the 12C is more expensive than the 30b. The 30b does everything the 12C does and a much more. [The only thing I can think of that the 12C does that the 30b does not do is handle odd period TVM calculations in one shot. On the 30b, and all other financial calculators that I can think of, you need to break off the odd period into a separate calculation.]


Post: #48

I think that the solver on the 17bii+ is vastly better than the one on the 30b. The 17bii+ also has multiple user-defined cash-flow and stat lists and with the much larger memory can hold many times the number of entries than the 30b lists. The 17bii+ also has a RTC with alarms. I think that the soft-key menus on the 17bii+ make it a lot faster and easier to use as well. It also has "real" RPN as far as stack lift is concerned.


One thing I've noticed on the 17bii+ solver, in regards to its vastly superior (compared to the 30b) memory capacity, is that the memory is shared between your solver formulae (and stat data, I presume) and the "compiled" version of the solver formula you are currently executing. When you press the CALC key, I hesitate to use the word "compile" in the traditional sense, but it "scans and prepares" your formula for evaluation. And this takes memory; the larger the formula, the more space this step requires. What this really means is that, if you fill up most of your available memory with all of your favorite solver equations, you may not be able to run any of them because when you press CALC it may not have enough free memory to store the result of the CALC. I've run into that a few times when I had lots of solver equations stored. Practically, what this means is that you need to leave enough memory free to enable the solver to evaluate and solve your largest equation.

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