Hi Peter...
I hate to cool your mood down... :-( but... this is "just" a 2*X-MEM emulation. You can have all what you mention and even HP-41CY emulation... but (sorry) not simultaneously.
So, when programmed with the referred XM-NoV64.HEX file, your NoV-64 or Clonix-D will become a double Extended Memory module and therefore it won't keep HEPAX emulation. I'll will keep HEPAX RAM contents as stated above.
In fact, both fuctions are incompatible within NoV-64 (or any other microcontroller based arquitecture...) at current clock rates (12 MIPS)
The requirements for the module to handle the 5 intructions set that X-MEM modules respond to (just the same as any other 41 D/S RAM chip) are certainly very tight; at a given point, the "gap" for HP-41 clock sinchronization is <200nS (in theory)... ;-)
To this extent, I've not tested it using Synthetics but assuming that the M-code instructions issued by Synthetics commands must be the same; the emulation should work as expected.
I've just tested it with some elemental file creation and data recovery. CAT 4 shows 600 registers when plugged (X-MEM empty), and a modified version of "AM" & "MA" M-code routines from "Emery's" book.
The module also implements the "gaps" into X-MEM (thus the 600 reg total). I may try to "close these gaps" and see if the X-FUNCS recognize the 34 "extra" registers... I think M-code will be able to gain access to them, but maybe not if they're filtered within the 41's OS Mainframe. Will let you know in the next few days.
Nontheless, and as in the case of the 41CY (W&W RAMbox 64 II) emulation posted a few days ago, this is sort of a "toy" more than a tool. I have plenty of spare time here, and the "minimal resources" to mess around with my little projects; so the .HEX emulation files I'm publishing these days are the combined result of all these... and the "resident question": What if...?
Best from the Caribbean Sea.
Edited: 21 May 2010, 3:03 p.m.