Time Setting for HP 01 Watch/Calculator

Post: #16

Hello Everybody:

Can anyone help to explain how to set the time
for the HP 01 watch/calculator?

Thanks and regards,


Post: #17

An Adobe Acrobat version of the HP-01 manual is on its way to you by email. Courtesy of this HP Museum site (I purchased the CD set a while back, and it is on it.)

Best wishes!


Post: #18

Well, I didn't pay attention to how LARGE it is!
It probably will not go by email, though I'll try.
On the order of 13-14MByte!
Do you have an ftp site that I could upload it to?

Here's the "short" description of how to set the time:
Key in the time in the HH:MM:SS format at press "triangle"-T.

If you wish to key in an evening time, key in HH:MM:SS, then p-"triangle"-T.

Good luck and email me if you want to figure out how to get the copy of the manual, if it doesn't make it by email.


Post: #19

Hello Mike,

Thanks for the information. Maybe you can try sending
it to my office mail.

I work for HP :-) and my office email is:


If this did not go through, I will get back to you about
some other means. Thanks once again!

kia heng

Post: #20

Hello All!

My apologies to Dave Hicks, who, along with many others, has put a lot of effort into the scans which are copyrighted and cannot be distributed as I had planned to do!

In light of this, I suggest that you look at this site for
the Museum CD's which have a copy of the HP-01 manual and are priced very reasonably and are quite valuable and useful!

Best wishes!


p.s. I have, at times, tried to post links to sites which also contain HP information, but have not known that those sites had unauthorized copies, until Dave's "scanner" has notified me while posting. My apologies for potentially spreading any problems!

Post: #21

The CDs are covered by both HP's copyrights and my own. I spent about 2 years from about 6PM to 2AM weeknights and all day weekends standing over the scanner flipping pages in bound manuals. (After spending about 6 months getting permission.) I'm hoping that at some point I that sell enough to make something like minimum wage on them. Last year I quit my job at Intel due to burn out, so having a little money coming in from the CDs helps a little. I don't mean to imply I'm desperate or anything – but if a lot of people start passing my scans around, then I should really stop scanning and get a real job. As long as there's a trickle of money from the CDs I can call myself "a semi-retired small business owner" for a while at least. :-)

By the way, I've scanned an 8" stack of manuals for the next version in the last week. The next version might not even fit on a single DVD!

Post: #22


I bought the CD's only last month- mostly for the maual scans. How do I upgrade to the new version with all of those new manuals?


John Kercheval

Post: #23

Once it's available, there will be options added to the order page. It will probably be available both as additional CDs and as a DVD.

Post: #24

Hello, Dave.

As many thankful owners, I could get my HPMuseum CD pack. (does the name Paulo Vieira mean anything? Yes, my brother.)Amazing. And I respect a lot what you've done. Thanks.

Mr. Tjebben has been honest a lot by expressing his intentions openly. In fact, this fact called others attention to what sort of trouble this action would result over you and your work.

My suggestion is adding an advice (a letter) that might be read carefully by anyone who buys the CD's. Even very well known, your effort must be clearly expressed, so the ones who buy them will be aware that copying the CD's contents is a not-supported action (or something like it)

Mr. Tjebben has proved being sensitive and respectful, and I know everyone in here has noticed that. We, who understand that the CD's contents are priceless, will unconditionally support this activity of yours.

Thanks, Dave. And best regards.

Post: #25

I thought the copyright statement on the CD was enough and I wouldn't like there to be anything like a difficult to read software license agreement but perhaps a few words should be added.

Post: #26

Hello Everybody:

My sincere thanks to Michael for his offer to
my call for help.

I understand the amount of work and energy that
Dave have put into the CDs, and I am pretty sure
they will be very useful and informative for all
HP calculator collectors.

Anyway, I have already placed an order for a set
of the 5-CD set.



Post: #27

Thanks! They will ship next week.

Post: #28

Without violating anybodys copyrights I think I can give you a short description how to set the watch

You enter the time seperated with colons:

HH ":" MM ":" SS

The colon is in the 3rd row, 1st column of the keyboard

Then press the "shift" key "^" and "T"

"^" is in the 4th row, 4th column and "T" is in position 4/7

"T" "^" followed by "." will switch between 12 and 24 hour display mode.

Setting the date works this way:

Enter (in example) 22/12/02

then "^" "21" (for the 21st century)

and then "^" "D"

A decimal point at the right side of the display shows, that you have set a date after year 2000.

For changing the date display between "MM-DD-YY" and "DD-MM-YY" just press "D" "^" and then "." similarly to switching between the different time modes.

I assume you know, that you need to push "D" or "T" for a short time to see date or time for some seconds.

Have fun with your HP-01. It's a great toy and I sometimes wear it in business meetings. I own two IWCs, but the HP is a completely different watch. Currently there is a movement to larger and larger watches and the HP-01 is absolutely compatible with this trend :-)

Post: #29

And the year of course, 1977! ;+}

Post: #30

Thanks Everybody!


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