Some people have lost the sense of reality...


Hi, all;

I am so busy since the very beginning of the classes I can´t tell... Fortunately these days I am going to find a way to put my activities back on track... For those of you who are actually waiting for some kind of answer (and action) of mine, thanks for your patience.

Back to the subject: please, have a look here and use any currency conversion to see what I mean.

Yep! We have our Coburlins here, too... In time: I would like to share with you all my happiness when I had the chance to grab this little baby. I think some of you will find a known name when checking the Bid History ('Histórico de Ofertas', in the bottom of the page). Now I am searching for tapes...


Luiz (Brazil)


Edited: 4 Apr 2010, 8:49 p.m.


Luiz, speaking of the 12c, examine a 12c+ repurposed to do hex arithmetic. No, that's not a Photoshopped 16c, it's a real 12c+ with ARM processor and here is the code (modified from code originally supplied by Cyrille and further modified by Katie) that did it.


Hi, Don;

thanks for this information! I was not aware of that... So, as it happens with the HP30B, the new HP12C+ is 'repurposable' thanks to the ARM structure... Should the HP30B procedures be followed the same way with HP12C+ as well or is there a particular set of instructions/procedures to repurpose an HP12C+? Any links? Forgive me if this is well known by all of you, guys... I was just 'not here' for these days. Sorry!

Wow! Hewlett-Packard is now doing some strange things...

Thanks again.

Luiz (Brazil)


The same procedure is used to repurpose a 12c or a 20/30b. You just need to know the differences with regards to the screens, but they are treated very similar.



Luiz, anyone wanting to re-purpose a 12c+, 20b, or 30b is going to need several things in addition to the calculator itself:

  1. A special cable with one end that plugs into the standard old serial port of your PC and the other end that plugs into the connector in the battery compartment of the 12c+ and 30b (not sure about 20b, I don't have one of those). This is used to download firmware to the calculator. Cyrille is the only source for this, AFAIK. Some have tried using this cable with a USB adapter instead of a standard serial port, with varying degrees of success. Fortunately my PC is old enough that it has a real serial port, and this cable has worked fine for me.
  2. Samba software for performing the actual firmware download to the calc, available from Atmel.
  3. A folder from Cyrille with support files for the specific calc.
  4. An SDK for developing the C++ code on your PC. HP recommends the one from a company called IAR. I had nothing but trouble getting that to work and finally got so discouraged that I uninstalled the whole thing from my PC.
  5. An unlimited amount of patience and perserverance!

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